I can speak English very clearly and fluently

Profile photo for Deidra Edge
Not Yet Rated


This particular sample is from one of my motivational books by Jean Case. I feel that I contribute to the sample bu not only sounding motivational but also uplifting and inspiring.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
be fearless. five principles for a life of breakthrough and purpose by jean case forward by jane Goodall. If you added up all the times you failed all the time you came up short, would you try again? What a failure wasn't a limitation? Would have taken risks. Was your status quo? What kind of world would you imagine when the challenges we face seem overwhelming? We need to experiment with new thinking and try new things, create unlikely partnerships and set audacious goals to build a better world to make a real difference. We have to take bigger risks, make bigger bets. And if we fail and fail again, we have to get right back up and dream even bigger to live in a world worth living in. We have to let challenge inspire us. We have to take risks, be bold and fell forward. We have to be fearless.