20+ year radio and voiceover vet. English. Medium deep tone. Friendly

Profile photo for Dave Walker
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


These radio commercials were produced for Saga Communications, Inc. and feature my voice only.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You could wait till labor day weekend to find a sale on appliances and mattresses or you could start your shopping right now at the warden body, their labor day sale is already underway at all three to warden body locations. It's kind of a big deal. You'll love the 2016 Subaru legacy with all wheel drive in the highest safety rating of any sedan packed with options including Starlink technology, designed for your entertainment and safety, they say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer and the best part, they'll never see it coming. Go ready to go big. The 2016 home and garden show at the northwest Washington fairgrounds is just around the corner. If you own a business and would like to showcase your products or services to prospective buyers, there's still time to get in on this year's show. Hey Dave walker here we have a pretty nice view. Looking at the sliding glass door in our dining room except for the door itself, It's old, it's ugly and the glass, this is all streaky and our bathroom windows are so dated. So we called Lindale glass. Maybe you put it off for a while, maybe owning the road didn't make sense then, but it does today. This is where your desire for freedom and adventure begins. As soon as you take control of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The new chapter in your life starts today. Howdy you short on cash, We'll mosey on over to the train post. Hey now if you need cash on the quick, head them up and move them out to the trading post, What entire nation, who's cracking that whip at Western Solar? They're all about solar. Unlike general contractors who do solar on the side at Western Solar, they specialize in providing renewable energy systems to the Northwest. And that's all they do, wondering if solar works in Washington? The answer is yes.