Animation voice acting demoreel_DARUMAAKU

Profile photo for Desi P.
Not Yet Rated


I am mostly active on Twitter, Casting Call Club and Youtube. I go by the name DARUMAAKU. These are examples of some voice acting roles I was featured in for cartoon/comic animations on Youtube and Twitter. (2023)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There you are. You little dweeb. Well, aren't you just the strongest little thing? I could just eat you up. Welcome to the Polis Mobile Research Facility. Current crew zero, current status grounded. You peed on it. You peed on it, didn't you a little **** boy? Thank you. I may be stupid. I may be stupid. I may be stupid. He's a tram but they love him. Breaks a new heart every day. He's a tri they are dark and I only hope he'll stay that way. Maybe you want someone to voice. Something sensual, something spicy. This is my magic brush. When I draw with this, all my wishes come true. A strange old man in a white coat gave it to me. Papa told me everything he said. Mario's a bully. She never fights for. He said, Junior, you gotta try to outsmart Mario as for burning her, tearing it up. The new book still exists and there's no way to confirm the rule one way or the other. That means who are you? What is that? Oh, what's that? What's that? What is that? You've always been a fusion? You've always had your friends because you're nothing without them. You think everyone needs help, but it's only you, by the way. No need to always take things so seriously. Relax a little dummy. Hello. My name is Dessie, also known as Daruma Anywhere online. I'm 27 years old and I am a digital artist looking to continue my passion in voice acting and dubbing. Thank you so much for visiting my profile and for taking consideration of my work. I look forward to being in your project you chosen. You can reach me on Discord or via email. If that is posted, contact information can be found in my profile. Thanks so much. Have a nice day.