VO for an explainer video

Profile photo for Daniel Sancho
Not Yet Rated


This is a sample of my voice while doing a voice over for a serious-type explainer video.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
beautiful people, breath taking places and brilliant ideas about the complexity of the human anatomy. These are just some of the facts that would definitely make us ask about its greater how did it all start? Did the universe suddenly exists? Just a cities today? Are we a product of a massive, or are we the result of an intricate and well organized operation process? Is that really God? For several centuries and generations, countless people of different groups and beliefs have had various discussions and claims about the existence of a higher power. Do you believe in God? Yes, you're not sure, like a higher power something or someone who's higher than anyone else in history of humanity. But how can we be sure? But the reality of these so called higher power, what will be a reliable source of knowledge? And are there valid information that we can collect to know about the existence of God? Well, of course, there's the Bible and let us decrypt its very first verse and find out what it says about this higher power. So, are you ready? Let's check it out In the beginning, God and its opening statement, Bible addresses the most basic issue of human existence by declaring that the something or someone who has always existed is gone. Think about this wear universe functions is so complex and detailed that it would why're an extremely intelligent greater to make it possible in working? Let us go this functional universe *** something. And if this functional universe simplest started from a massive and loud explosion back, this will then give us the conclusion that something originated from nothing like literally nothing out of nowhere. There was just a second explosion of particles and became the universe that we know today, so that will be nothing. Into something sounds illogical and unreasonable, right Justice, How much wisdom is used to manufacture and make a computer function accordingly. So is our universe, just as a painting is a product of a very creative idea. So it's the beauty of our nature, a product of a very brilliant crater. And this greater is being addressed in Genesis Chapter one, verse one very first verse off the Bible and called him as God. Now there comes the next question. Where did God come from, or is there anyone who created him well medically the Bible states in some Chapter 19 verse to that God came from everlasting to everlasting, which means he has no beginning, and certainly he has no end revelation. Chapter 22 Verse 13 addresses him as the Al Find Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet to point out that goddess self existent, commissioned, omnipotent and omnipresent. And you know what the name God mentioned in Genesis? Chapter one Verse One is which means the old powerful one who's faithful and true and actually goddess three primary names. But that's another beautiful topic for the next episode.