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Profile photo for Dan Persigehl
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Campaigns I voiced for national advertisers.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Father. It's where you wanna be. It's where we want you to be. It's why we push relentlessly to crack the code to push the limits farther than the eye can see. This is the new M six from tailor made farther. It's the only way we know introducing the pinnacle of sophistication. You escalade from Cadillac, turn the arrival into an entrance with the highest level of engineering and comfort known to man. New Escalade expectations shattered. How does kind make a great tasting protein bar? We crack some nuts, add rich dark chocolate melt, creamy caramel. But leave out that chalky taste new kind protein for people who like food. Mius presents how to change a tire, tires, brakes oil flats. All the flavors you crave in a superfood. This is blue diamond almonds crave victoriously to get your good going. A few hours on the road gives you a chance to think. Yeah, it's been a good ride. You grew up collecting all sorts of things. You listen to your favorite songs on the radio and you married your college sweetheart and now you find yourself putting in a swimming pool for the grandkids. You became a Fisher client, because Fisher investments understood what was important to you. It's still a good ride. It pays to be a fisherman.