English male audiobook demo

Profile photo for Dan Persigehl
Not Yet Rated


Delivery that will captivate your audience in the first 5 seconds.

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Introducing the pinnacle of sophistication. The new Escalade from Cadillac, turn the arrival into an entrance with the highest level of engineering and comfort known to man, the new escalade expectations shattered. Turn the arrival into an entrance, the new escalade far, it's where you want to be. It's where we want you to is why we push relentlessly to crack the code to push the limits farther than the eye can see. This is the new M six on tailor made far. It's the only way we know. Good. How did that feel that was better? Ok. Good, good, good. Let's do another option for that one just as a backup. Do it more of like a, a proud dad. OK. Approach. And again, we're not talking about a dad, but I'm just trying to think of more of like a, you know, dad and his son playing golf together thinking about the reminiscing. So I'm kind of, I'm, I'm smiling a little more. Yeah. OK. Good. Find her. It's where you want to be. It's where we want you to be. It's why we push relentlessly to crack the code to push the limits farther than the eye can see this is the new M six from tailor made both there. It's the only way we know good. Let's do one more take. And, um, the only thing that I heard that I would say adjust is don't punch any of the words up front. It's where we want you to be. It's why we push none of that farther. It's where we want you to be. It's where we want you to be. It's why we push, you know, keep it. You don't have to punch a single word. OK. Find there. It's where we want. Excuse me, father, it's where you want to be. It's where we want you to be. It's why we push relentlessly to crack the code to push the limits farther than the eye can see this is the new M six from Taylor made far. It's the only way we know. Yeah, that's nice. How did that one feel fine? I like option number one in the beginning and then that last one. I like that option as well. So we'll keep both of those. Ok. Kind protein interior text. How does kind make a great tasting protein bar? We crack some nuts, add rich dark chocolate melt, creamy caramel but leave out that chalky taste, new kind protein for people who like food good. Give me, give me, give me a little shrub but let leave out that choky taste, but leave out that chalky taste. But we felt that shocky taste. But leave out that chalky taste good. Let's do one more. I get a little bit of a smile on this. Jake. How does kind make a great tasting protein bar? We crack some nuts. Add rich dark chocolate melt, creamy caramel. But leave out that chalky taste new kind protein for people who like food. Yeah. Good. Again, this one might get 86 but at least as, as long as we, you know, let people to use the beginning or the end of it. Ok. M this presents how to change a tire. Find your jack branch and spare. Usually in the trunk of your vehicle loosen the log nuts and put your jack under the car to start jacking it up. Take the lug nuts all the way off, then the tire, put your spare on, then replace the lug nuts, tightening each one as you go lower the jack, tighten the lug nuts a little more and you're done then take your old tire to get checked at Mius tires, brakes oil flats. No, that's good. That's good. Between that and the one you sent me the other day, I think. I think you're all set on that one. Ok. Blue diamond almonds. All the flavors you crave in a superfood. This is Blue diamond almonds crave victoriously to get your good going good. Let's have a, a little bit more smile on this one. Yeah. All the flavors you crave, you know, real uh happy you, you're, you're, you're thinking that you, you love blue diamond. Do you already told me? You love it? Let's do it all the flavors you crave in a superfood. This is blue diamond almonds. Crave victoriously to get your good going good. When you do crave crave victoriously because you're good going. Ok? Crave victoriously to get your good going good. Yeah. Yeah, I can hear you've been working with these because it's a little bit more fluid. Yeah. Less, less of a push. So, Fisher investments. Few hours on the, I'm sorry, a few hours on the road gives you a chance to think. It's been a good ride. You grew up collecting all sorts of things. You listen to your favorite songs on the radio and you married your college sweetheart before you knew it, that new wife was the mother of your three Children. You save money and you invest it. You found the right balance from a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck. And now you find yourself putting in a swimming pool for the grandkids. You became a Fisher client because Fisher investments understood what was important to you. Yeah, it's still a good ride. It pays to be a fisherman. Is that too fast? It's too fast. And then I think sure man was a fisherman, a fish to be a fisherman man, man, man, man. Yeah, that's right. So, so again, think of, uh, you know, what's going through your head. It's like a time lapse of you from morphing from a young child to now. And, you know, all of the legendary moments in your life that led up to this and now you're reborn again. But the entire process is not your son. It's your friend a few hours on the road gives you a chance. Yeah, it's been a good ride. You grew up collecting all sorts of things. You listen to your favorite songs on the radio. You married your college sweetheart before you knew it? And your wife was the mother of your three Children. You save money and you invest it. You find the right balance of a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck. And now you find yourself putting in a swimming pool for the grandkids. You became a Fisher client because Fisher investments understood what was important to you. Yeah, it still a good ride. It pays to be a fisherman. Ok. You walk with it. Nice, nice and slowly a few hours on the road gives you a chance to think. It's been a good ride. You grew up collecting. It's been a good ride. It's been a good ride. Yeah, it's been a good ride. So, yeah, it's been a good ride. A few hours on the road. Gives you a chance to think. Yeah, it's been a good ride. You grew up collecting all sorts of things. You listened to your favorite songs on the radio. And you married your college sweetheart before you knew it, that new wife was the mother of your three Children. You saved money and you invested, you found the right balance with a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck. And now you find yourself putting in a swimming pool for the grandkids. You became a Fisher client because Fisher investments understood what was important to you. Yeah. It's still a good ride. It pays to be a fisherman. Yeah. Give me fishermen men. It pays to be a fisherman. It pays to be a fisherman. I was saying fisher man, you know, tying back to Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, I got you. I'm just trying to, I just, I wanna have it both ways from producing, see how it looks. Ok? Chipotle Chipotle. This is again, remember you and I spoke about the millennial, the UN. You have to, you really, it's, it's the brand awareness not selling a product. And these are the, this is one of them that I've really worked on avoiding the question marks. Uh you know, which is a different feel, but it certainly makes sense. It is always a statement. What does it take to get a real quesadilla at Chipotle? It takes grating our cheese by hand grilling and marinating our chicken and it takes making real fresh salsa from scratch for you. You just need to get the Chipotle for real good. Come up with a little bit of a smile, little shrub. Hey, what does it take to get a real quesada? What does it take to get a real quesadilla at Chipotle? It takes grating our cheese by hand. Really? And marinating our chicken and it takes making fresh salsa from scratch for you. You just need to get the Chipotle for real. What does it take to get a real quesadilla at Chipotle? It takes grating our cheese by hand grilling and marinating our chicken and it takes making fresh salsa from scratch for you. You just need to get to Chipotle for real good. Let's do it one more time. What does it take to get a real quesadilla? Well, at Chipotle it takes maybe I did well before that but easily that I can delete it. What does it take to get a real quesada? Well, at Chipotle it takes grating or cheese by hand grilling and marinating our chicken and it takes making real fresh salsa from scratch for you. You just need to get the Chipotle for real. Yeah, for real. For real good. That was out of that. Yeah, I like that direction with it better. All right, my friends, we're on to Dell, right. How do you, how do you turn an entrepreneur's dream into a scooter that talks to the cloud or makes 70,000 trades a second, reach one customer at a time. Whatever your business challenge Dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. Good. Give me another check. Um hm hm hm. How do you, how do you turn an entrepreneur's dream into a scooter that talks to the cloud? Ok. Hm. How do you turn an entrepreneur's dream into a scooter that talks to the cloud or makes 70,000 trades a second reach one customer at a time. Whatever your business challenge Dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. Yeah, that's nice and connected better. How do you feel? Good? Yeah, that's a nice one, man. Sweet. What do you think we're getting there? Do you feel, do you feel that that's uh those are all good takes that you're uh you're happy with? Ok, perfect. Well, then do you want me to uh put these into production? Sure, why not? So, what I'll do is, um, you know, cut out any of my jargon, send me the, send me the good stuff and then I'll start, I'll start to slice it. Like I said, it's about a week from the day that you sent me. So by this time next week, for sure, I'll have production for you. I'd actually like to have something for you this week if I can get my, my acting gear. Um, it's exciting and yeah, I know it, it's exciting and then what we'll do is we'll work on, you know, obviously there's more than we'll need. So we'll pick, we'll cherry pick what we like the best. We'll cherry pick the order and then once you say you've approved the audio, then I can take it to the next step. So yeah, so that's it. How long is it normally, how long does it normally take to complete the process? It's usually a week from the day that you send me the audio for, for, for the audio and then a week again for the video. But most likely earlier than that, I give a week as the, as the buffer. But as long as I have all of my assets and stuff, you know, and I've already been working diligently on collecting, you know, stock footage, footage, real footage, making stuff. So it usually can come along pretty well. It's the audio score, the audio off the bat that takes the longest. Um, just because I listen to a ton of tracks. But after that, once you've approved the audio, I mean, I say a week, but it could just be a few days. That's cool. Is there anybody in particular that you recommend? Obviously, I need to fire up the website again and, you know, really, I really only need like probably a one page website. Yeah. Um, is there anybody that, that you recommend as far as websites go? I mean, my wife and I, we try to do all of our stuff by ourselves and if I could make one recommendation to you to save some money is to do you, do you use Go Daddy as your uh so Go Daddy offers what's called wordpress? It's, it's, it's light years above Wix light years, but they have premium versions of it. The premium version Dan, I'm telling you, you can have a beautiful site that no one would ever know and you can have it as simple or as complex as you want it to all of our sites. I need a demo dot com chat. Er, so we got a few others. We, uh, I, I need a V commercial dot com. We use go daddy's higher end version of wordpress and it's, it's amazing because the amount of money that you're going to spend on someone building it and then you want to update stuff. I mean, if you have even just like an ounce of, of know how you could absolutely crush it yourself. Ok. Um, you know, I, I, in the beginning because I, I just don't know. Um, I don't, I'm not too, like, great with that stuff. We, we figured it out and it's dude, it's so easy. Yeah, I mean, I think it will cost you, it will cost you a fraction so you can buy it for like, you know, three years in one swoop and spend, you know, I don't know, 500 bucks or something for everything and then you're done. Um, you know, the problem is once you hire into a third point, like unless you're going to be changing a bunch of stuff, like a new logo or, you know, but, but do what you need. Um, and if you have that time, I mean, just like with the demo, it's like, yeah, everybody can do all this work themselves. It's finding the time if you don't have the time. Absolutely. Hire someone. But if you have the time, you know, if you're not, you know, you don't have to have a high school office on your office.