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Game show host delivery

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the home doctor. Today's topic. Does your home pass the tire test, Katie? If your home was a tire, would it hold air? I'm not sure Katie is your summertime utility bill larger than your mortgage payment. The home doctor's diagnosis is your home has a severe case of acute energy spillage. Your house leaks. I'm going to write you referral to an expert colleague in this area. R and K building supplies. R and K will make a house call and give you a free leakage exam just because your doors and windows are closed doesn't mean they don't leak R and K building supplies will fix that leak with complete door and window replacements, check your insulation efficiency and your home will feel better in no time and your utility bills will prove to be benign and heal accordingly with relapse. And that's today's episode of the home doctor. The home doctor is brought to you by R and K building supplies. Building excellence with reliability and knowledge. Call 4808920025. Visit their showroom in Gilbert or get a quote or schedule a home inspection online at R M K A dot com. R and K building supplies.