Understanding your potential

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Not Yet Rated


This showcase speaks about the potential inside every person. God gave great potential for all of us and that potential should be discovered and exposed in our life.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) East African (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
understanding your poutine shop support Shakespeare had died before he wrote his poems and place the potential off mark ways would have bean burried supposed Michelangelo hod died before he painted the Sistine Chapel or the Avengers and Mona Lisa. The beauty off their paintings would have been lost. Suppose mother had died with all the music in his bosom. Supposed Moses had died before he saw the burning bush. Paul, before he met Jesus on the Damascus Road. Abraham before Isaac was born. How different the page. Soft Scripture and history would be. Suppose Martin Luther King had died without writing the testes charges Wesley was upending the highlands Jordan Wah Cliff without translating the Bible into English How different the history of the church might have. Bean. Can you imagine how many great works off art, music and literature are buried in the graveyard near your house? Can you imagine how many solution to the problem we face today are buried with someone you knew? People die without getting out their full potential. They fell to use all that was story in them for the benefit off the world. I wonder what would have happened if your father had died before you have being born or conceived or your mother before you were bored while with the world have lost. If you have not bean poor and well with the world lack because you felt you live without your parting shot. Reveal where you carry songs, books, invasions, cure or recovery to your grab. What would the world have lost if you had not been born?