English, Demo, Fantasy Book, Narration, Character Voices, Deep, RP,

Profile photo for Daemon Reah
Not Yet Rated


I voice all the narration and characters in the demo. I also edited and mixed the audiofiles together to ensure it stands up to ACX standards. It's a deep narrator voice with a variety of accents and inflections to suit each character in turn.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, hey, Ben Brooker was smiling broadly. His eyes were wide with excitement and he was gleefully rubbing his hands together. Wow, this place is huge, mate. This is gonna take us ages. Nice idea for a change though. Just look at all this stuff. He added enthusiastically staring all the boxes and crates, stacked head high, all around him. There's all sorts of stuff in here, boxes, jewelry, hats, books, flags. He shouted as he rummaged to the nearest box. This is awesome. Jake West smiled also a little surprised at such an enthusiastic response from his 15 year old best friend. He ran his fingers through his hair and flicked it away from his eyes. Told you Harry's lived life to the full. All right. I think he's been everywhere there that's worth going to. And he's brought a little something back with him each time though. I'm not sure the army knew what he was doing. If you get my drift anyway, let's just have a look around before we start work. Hey, before we start clearing it all out, granddad will be up here soon and I'll have a mooch around before he comes. I've never really been allowed to before they made their way through the artifacts to the rear of the room in order to begin their search. But Ben's keen eyesight caught something of interest. Hey, Jake, what's that? He asked? Pointing towards a ripped and torn ***** jack flag hanging on the corner wall above an old wooden chest. Huh? Jake replied, who'd continued walking through the boxes and was checking out some of the stuff? Oh, that, that's an old battle flag from some war or rubber. I'm not really sure what the story is behind it though. Ben's eyes lit up immediately and his interests soared. His family history meant that he had a fascination around all things military and his curiosity just had to be satisfied. Well, all right, you then that's where I'm starting. He shouted, happily. He walked over to the flag and stared at it for a little while. Then he knelt down at the foot of the chest and scraped off the thick layer of dust that had formed on the top and the initials H W were crudely carved into the wood indicating clearly that this was Harry's chest. He thought of calling Jake over to show him what he'd found. Harry was his granddad after all. However, he didn't because he was having too much fun. Instead, he opened it and rested the top on the two worn string ties that held it in place. Moments later though, he could not contain his excitement. Oi Jake you there, mate. Ben shouted loudly, unable to see his friend in amongst all of the junk, but now deciding he had to share his discovery with him. There's lots of old photos in here. Your granddad's in most of them. I mean, he's a bit younger obviously, but it's him. All right. He stated, staring closely at a few of the pictures of Harry from his army days. No reply. Jake was way too engrossed in his own voyage of discovery and hadn't really heard what he'd said. So the enthralled Ben delve deeper into the chest and beneath some more of the photographs, he found an old and battered rectangular shaped box. He took it out and opened it without delay, two blue skies opened and a dazzlingly bright beam of light raced down onto a field not far from her and get track fortress. Three warriors emerged quickly from the brightness before it immediately vanished. Sawdon and Ad Robb were holding up a gravely wounded begas. The stricken mercenary was in tremendous pain, unable to stand unaided, but despite his wounds so on through him roughly to the ground. Boas fell heavily on the turf and screamed out in agony. Then he sobbed uncontrollably. As Arop tried to comfort him, the colossal fog roared loudly in frustration. He had expected to be closer to the stones to at least have some clue as to their destination or whereabouts. So he could not understand why the shard had brought them back to the wizard's fortress. Perhaps it has been drawn back to the litmus. He searched for an answer he could accept but none came, whatever the reason, one thing is clear, the stones are nowhere to be seen. Sodden was infuriated. Now that he knew the boys had escaped him, they must be here somewhere. He thundered, his fists clenched tightly in anger as he scanned the horizon in every direction, the Herfi Mountains could just be seen far away in the distance, miles of fields and meadows, villages and hills lay between sword on and his prey. Though at this point, he had no way of knowing their location or fate. He is dying, cried. Ad Robb deliberately trying to wrench sword on's attention away from his mission aggrieved at the lack of interest and care being shown by the warrior to his fallen colleague. He is not long for this world. The wound is too deep and it will not stop bleeding. He added as he knelt down beside his friend cradling his head in his arms and trying his best to ease his pain. Ad Robb had become quite close to beaus over the last year or so. They had their differences, but he liked him, respected him as a warrior and saw on's treatment of his comrade angered him. Sawdon halted his scan of the countryside. The great tha was still furious. He gazed down on the stricken begas, the warrior was laying on the floor in Adb's arms gasping desperately for each painful breath and so on. Knew nothing more could be done for him. Death is just a matter of time and time is a precious commodity. Now, suddenly the mighty beast drew his battle sword and without warning, plunged it deep into Begas skilfully, cutting his heart in two with one fatal blow. So that death was immediate. The kill of an expert. Arab jumped up, startled and reacted without thinking the lords of Renal, he exclaimed, cursing loudly and instinctively reaching for his sword. A split second later, his rational thought processes returned and realizing the absolute folly of his actions. He halted his sword arm immediately throwing his weapon down onto the ground. He was just in time as the impressive battle sword of sword on came within inches of cutting him down. The throgs intended repost being pulled deliberately at the last moment so that the blade fell just short of its targets, the wind caressing Ad Robb's cheek as it sailed swiftly past. Ad Robb knew he had come within a split second of death. He shook violently with fear as he now faced Sad's wrath. Forgive me, my Lord. He begged, falling to his knees. I do not know what possessed me. I sawdon merely scowled at him and grunted loudly like most THS he was not one for wasting conversation and he did not intend to discuss the incidents come. He growled as he marched off towards her and get tracked, we have to report to the king three in a last ditch moment of defiance. Even as he took his last breath, the Tuscan warrior flicked out his long thin venomous tongue. He whipped it swiftly and viciously in Ben's direction and the tip lashed against Ben's cheek, cutting the flesh deeply an instant before the warrior fell dead onto the ground. Ben raised his hand to his face immediately with the pain of the blow, it stung like **** and for a split second, he closed his eyes and winced. Then he remembered how close he had come to death and he turned to see where the sword which had most certainly saved his life had come from striding towards him as fast as he could was the old wizard with a look of real concern. Tien had seen what had happened to Ben and launched his own sword at the task in just in the nick of time having killed the prolong facing him more through luck than skill. He had also witnessed the injury to Ben's face and he knew only too well what it meant. Tien shouted loudly to Jake as he ran with real despair, resounding in his voice. He reached Ben just in time to catch him as the young boy collapsed, Jake and Vaastu were still fighting the tasks facing them. Jake was too skilled in combat for the enemy warriors and he had already killed most of their number. Vaastu too had proven to be an accomplished swordsman occupying several of the enemy, killing one and affording Jake the time to engage the rest. Only two scans remained facing them. Now, as sheikh glanced briefly over at the trees and saw Tien holding his badly wounded friend, the anger swelled within him until it exploded and he launched into a frenzy of action throwing himself at the Tuscans with a speed and intensity that left Erastus wide eyed and open mouthed. The Tuscans stood no chance. They were cut down so fast. They hardly had the opportunity to raise their swords. Jake's movements had been so quick that they had appeared blurred to Rastus shocked and amazed eyes. And before the last Tasca hit the ground, Jake was already running over to T N and Ben, Ben, Ben screamed, Jake desperately as he reached his friend. Ben talk to me. What's happened? Are you all right? Can you hear me? He has been cut by a task skin. His sword wounds will heal but said Tian, sadly not wanting to say what he was clearly thinking quickly. Pass me his bag. He shouted to Vaastu. The Florian ran to retrieve the bag before returning sharply and handing it to the wizard. Tien reached inside and pulled out a small brown bottle as the frantic Jake looked on. What's that demanded, Jake? What are you giving him? Tell me, Tien, tell me everything I have to know he pleaded. He then talked as he poured the contents of the entire bottle into Ben's mouth, anxious to administer it. Whilst the young boy was still able to swallow. Jake a task and poison is very strong. In a few moments, Ben will be unable to move, unable even to speak already. The poison is working its way to his heart. If we cannot remove it, he will be dead within half a day. Answered. The wizard, there is not much I can do against such a powerful weapon. The potion I have given will serve to give ben more time. It will slow the poison down. But I'm afraid that's, I am sorry. I do not know that we can remove all the poison as we must. He stated looking sorrowfully into Jake's tear filled eyes. I have known many such wounds in my time. Sometimes we have been successful and the victim has been saved, but others have not always been so fortunate.