Jason Amherst Demo Reel 2020

Profile photo for Jason Amherst
Not Yet Rated


A collection of clips taken from web animation, video games, trailers, and ADR work featuring some impressions and character voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Athens is in my heart. After all she's given me. How can I betray her? Be careful. There's a ton of them coming our way. Don't be sexist, bigger man. The times are changing. Women demand equal opportunity in all things, including getting a snack kicked out of them. Were taught since we are young about the ability for good to overcome all odds that everything will work out in the end lies I have come to stop your evil reign of heretical splashing. Hey, marines, can you hear me? I'm in room 48. My leg's broke. I can't move sometimes. I wonder are there still others out there others who continue to fight on despite the destruction our greatest weapon might be on the tip of this man's tongue. You're blind and patients will kill our soldiers. I'm gonna have fun playing with you. Who are you going so short? You have to look underneath the microscope to see. I mean, wait, did you just call me a guba?