Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei

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Excerpt from the prologue of a fan translated book from Japan as the narrator, a high school student (complete with echo effect for inner thoughts,) and his classmates both male and female. Music added for effect pulled from the video game version of the novel.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


Japanese North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
prologue. Mhm. This story takes place in a time when most people did not even know the existence of the internet and personal computers were normally thought of as standalone devices. In a town called Kunimitsu, a suburb of Tokyo. There was a school known as just so high. Everything began in this school. One day when a tall student impatiently burst into a room at the end of class, he stormed across the classroom to stop at the seat of a handsome young man who stood out from the rest of his class and ominously slammed at the top of the desk. You Nakajima? Yes, that's me, ignoring the sudden vibration that the desk sent through his body, Nakajima Akemi resolutely stood up and looked. The student in the eye. Condo Hiroyuki was the captain of the karate club and the unofficial student boss of juice. So high, more than one student who had dared oppose him had been forced to change schools, usually through violent means. Nakajima had never interacted with Condo before. He certainly couldn't think of anything that he might have done to make him angry. What gives I haven't done anything, Nakajima gulped and started to open his parched mouth to speak. At that moment he heard a suppressed giggle from behind him. Nakajima turned his head and saw her bewitching, charming. She almost seemed too sophisticated to be a student. She was staring at him, her cat like gays alluring, yet full of malice. It was one of his classmates to Kanazawa, Kyoko Nakajima suddenly understood everything. Hold on a minute the same instant Nakajima spoke, a fist flew into his solar plexus. Without even a chance to cry out, Nakajima fell to the floor. Condo followed up his punch with a low kick and that was followed by single kicks to the chest and the lower stomach, carefully placed with enough force to hurt badly but not knock their target out, afraid of getting involved, Nakajima's classmates started to leave the classroom, one by one hear me out, Nakajima tried hard to protest, but his voice was silenced when condos foot slammed into his mouth, his tears and saliva spilled out all over the floor. I don't want to hear your excuses, You got to learn what happens to people who come on to Kyoko. Condo kicked Nakajima in the back, flipping him onto his stomach. Kyoko gleefully watching him get pummeled, kneeled down in front of him and flicked his upper lip with her fingers. He's got a face like a woman and he still tried to kiss me liar. Actually, Kyoko had tried to kiss him and Nakajima had just pushed her away, her pride hurt. Kyoko Hood used Condo in his large crush on her to get revenge, but Nakajima didn't have a single friend to corroborate his story. Only his classmate Takai Kenichi remained in the room and even he just stood there worried looking at Nakajima through his dark green rimmed glasses. Apparently he lacked the courage to stop. Condo. Condo pulled Nakajima up from the floor with just his left hand before he thrust his right fist into Nakajima's solar plexus. Again, it felt like his heart was being torn out. Nakajima tried to cry out, but with the wind knocked out of him, he could neither inhale nor exhale and all that left. His injured lips was a pathetic little moan. Nakajima had always been something of an independent maverick, not wanting to hurt anyone or get hurt himself. So he had never been beaten like this before and to think this is all over some stupid reason. Like rejecting a girl, the combined sensations of pain, anger and humiliation overwhelmed him and the wound and his psyche started to bleed one drop at a time, seeing him like this, Kyoko watched Nakajima with a look of pure ecstasy in her eyes and laughed out loud. The sound of her high pitched laugh reverberating throughout the classroom, pierced Nakajima's ear drums and echoed in his skull, awakening an emotion he had never experienced before. Damn you! I'll get you, you won't get away with this, Nakajima's eyes lit up with a fierce violent look he had never worn before. What's with that look? Condo was taken aback for a second by Nakajima's expression as if mad at himself for faltering. He punched Nakajima hard in the face at the sound of Nakajima's tooth cracking, Kyoko as if she had lost interest in the whole thing, asked, Hey, don't you think that's enough? It was the voice of a dirty, cowardly woman, where he'd only about protecting herself If Nakajima was beaten any harder, there was a real danger of her being held responsible. Hey, lucky you. Looks like you've gotten a reprieve. I've got to say. I'm surprised at what a weak little rut you are beating you up was just a waste of energy. His mouth twisted into a smile condo, unceremoniously dumped Nakajima's body on the floor like a rag doll.