Narration Demo

Profile photo for Craig Aycock
Not Yet Rated


These are several Narration demos strung together.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
global warming. It seems like everyone has an opinion on the effect mankind has on the environment, whether they're brandishing a doctorate in science or failed there. T d. But what is global warming? What's the difference between global warming and climate change? And can the planet really be heating up when temperatures still drop below zero? And it's snowing outside pink ribbons, Tales of Kurds and survival? We're all aware of breast cancer in the fight to beat it, but it's a tough battle. More than 1/4 1,000,000 cases are diagnosed each year, and it's the second leading cause of cancer death among women. Breast Cancer Research Foundation is on a mission to study, prevent and cure breast cancer. Help us that d c R f dot org's Robin McLaren. Williams was born on July 21st 1951 in Chicago, Illinois, tears of a clown, a classic phrase that could have been written just for him. On the outside, he was a comedy genius with a rapid fire wit that could literally leave audiences breathless with laughter. But inside his demons laughed at him, not with him, and they ultimately took his life. America's national parks are natural treasure. There are 58 of these protected wilderness areas in the U. S, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon and Yosemite or the marquee names. But there are lesser known parks with unique beauty. One of those is the gates of Arctic National Park in Alaska, a remote and majestic expanse of 8.5 1,000,000 acres featuring rugged countryside. Thats well worth a visit.