Explainer Demo

Profile photo for Craig Aycock
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Great coaching and demo production from JMC Demos

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sure it's not every day you see a duck driving a car. I know, I know. You just assumed that a duck has no credit. So how did he get that car? Simple. He went to creditkarma dot com, compared personalized offers for credit cards, loans and more without hurting his scores. With help from Creditkarma, he's got the tools to keep his credit. Great without a huge bill. Get it? Never mind. I'll show myself out. Hey, this is Chris. Chris is one hour from the biggest live show of her life. 100 things could go wrong. There's one thing she knows will not go wrong because that's annoying. Kms one oh five Cradled in the clip. See how Chris is showing by searching Hashtag Norman one. Oh, five. Not What do you expect to see in a small corner of Yosemite National Park? Deer and antelope play with wolves and raccoons, but these guys are old pals. Since Ken Burns National Parks, America's best idea, first aired on PBS, seems like PBS is bringing more than just people together with the support of Ken Burns and viewers like you teens today, lazy, spoiled do nothings, right, Well look again. Today's teens are driving our future, and it's a greener, leaner, more conscientious one. These guys aren't out here for photo ops. Are fake influence? Nope. Inside of five hours, these three teams are going to clean up four miles of beach, even a boat team skimming trash. 200 kids from one high school in one city, not a boomer insight. Let's check it out.