Behold the Raconteur.

Profile photo for Coy Christie
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


The opening of my own Podcast, the Many Worlds Compendium. The character of the Raconteurs is a passive observer, but one who is much higher than the listener.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Come with me, Consider, for a moment, if you would worlds beyond your own. Every decision that was on the verge of being a different decision sent ripples throughout everything. Let us consider what could be out there. Stories familiar yet far different. Come with me as I spin you a story you have not yet heard from beyond your stars. Listen to me as I recite this tale, hear me as I spin this yarn, although I can only tell these stories, I will not nor cannot change them. I am the Raconteur. Let us begin.