My \"Professional \" Voice

Profile photo for Cora Buzan
Not Yet Rated


This is my professional voice for Pod Casts, commercials, and demo videos as well as other things in the professional and advertisement industry.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, My name is Cora. So let's get into this demo. First thing I will be doing is a podcast. What's up, guys? Welcome back to gold spotters. The pod, all about cutting your teeth and getting noticed in the music biz. Today we're taking an in depth look at crafting original cover art that captures both the vibe of your track and who you are as an artist. Plus, I'll teach you how to create looping visuals to enliven your image on streaming platforms. Okay, Next, I will do an advertising script. We are millennial skin, and we believe in breaking every unattainable beauty standard that society has ever made. Millennial skin believes in celebrating riel people with riel skin. We formulate skincare and makeup products made from the highest quality and responsibly sourced ingredients like aloe vera and snake essence that allow your true self to peek through, discover millennial skin, discover you Okay, Next, I will be doing an interactive voice. Add script top of the morning to you before you wipe the sleep from your eyes. Get a taste of this. I'm a new type of interactive ad that you could have a conversation with or Another option is Hi there. Just so you know, you're talking to a TV show trailer that uses voice recognition. You won't get in trouble for talking back to me, or I could even do something less realistic. Like send me a sample? No, thanks. Type of thing. Okay. So that's really all I have. Uh, thank you for listening. Yeah.