

Various Characters included with many many more available upon request.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
do a moment being poor? Not really. And trophy told. I don't give it any fault. It's what I am. You know? It's It suits me, love taking the royal fleet out from a royal dipped in arroyo poo. Let's have a royal naval battle. You can be me royal in the pop off. I just want to play with me. Rupert. Boom! Okay, Sheriff, you delight me So with your saucy antics, something heroic. Oh, please do you hero types could never understand the responsibility we bear to lead and to rule with grace and dignity and to wake up looking like this. That's adversity, dear boy. Ah, Forgiven old Soltis Rough way size. I'd not meant to frighten me. Me, Robin Days is law Long past that locket. A yard just caught me eye is all, Um That would be nice if he was humongous, but he's not. Oh, who get the eating brains. Take it out of Goddio. You know, it suits me. I'm not the type of fine Landers and fancy clothes. Heck, I'm happy with the simple things green things, marijuana what no hot things with life in him and beautiful things like Roe and Julie