E-learning Demo

Profile photo for Conor James
Acheivement Badges Rising Star


Demo of e-learning projects

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Connor James E. Learning DEMO If you're having trouble connecting using pulse VPN, try connecting to a VPN region where people are sleeping. This should mean less traffic and will help with spreading. Try different regions until you find one that works well for you. The big question is, which safety systems do I need to keep me out of tricky situations? Do I even need them? I mean, how likely is it to get into an accident anyways? Fair enough. It's a legitimate question, But let me ask you a counter question. Do you wear protective gear on your work site? You do right. These knowledge cheques are designed to cheque your level of understanding across five areas of duty to care. Safeguarding mental health, diversity, inclusion and well being. Found the results you were looking for. You can export the companies as a file in a choice of formats. This video will show you how thank you for listening. Please visit Connor James voiceovers dot com