INRB Audio Drama

Profile photo for Connor Boulet
Not Yet Rated
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Audio drama produced in preparation for the iNRB student awards. I produced, mixed, co-wrote, edited, and voiced the main character.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
read. What's wrong? How much power this time machine have? What are you? How much power? I'll be 15 minutes worth. You won't be able to do anything in that time, can't it? Wait? No, senator go back three days. Why do you have to do this now? I I have to fix something. I hope you know what you're doing? Make sure your watch is secure. You only have 15 minutes before your snapped back here. Are you sure about this? I've never been more sure. All right, alright. I'll start the countdown. Five, four, three cheers. All right. It's about a five minute walk from here. That should leave me 10 minutes to spare. Oh, no, I completely forgot about the parade. Excuse me. I need to get through. I'm sorry. I've got no time. It's only been eight minutes. How is that possible? Please? I need to get through. Excuse me. I'm looking for a man. He's walking down the sidewalk telling people about jesus. Have you seen him? No, I'm sorry. Please remember. God loves you. No matter what you have done in the past. There he is. Hey, I need to talk to you. You came back a lot of times so I need to be fast. I'm so sorry. I called you brainwashed. I was scared you were telling me that God would forgive me for the things I've done. But you don't know the kind of things I've done. I've hurt people. How could someone like me possibly have hope. We've all done awful things. Things we couldn't possibly make up for on our own. But that's what makes jesus love so beautiful. It doesn't matter what we've done. Everything can be washed away. I wasn't I wasn't trying to judge you. I just wanted you to understand the hope that comes from knowing who jesus is. I think I understand that. Listen, I'm so sorry about what happened. What I said, christ forgave me. I mean what kind of person would I be if I didn't forgive you? Thank you. I don't have much time left but just hit me. I don't even know your name, joseph when my friends call me, joe nice to meet you, joe zero.