Character Demo Reel

Profile photo for Colin Cool
Not Yet Rated


Some of the best characters I do with a slew of different emotions and motives

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, my name is Colin Cool. This is my character demo reel. I don't think you realize the area you walked into, Boy this here's bandit country. So it's information. You're sick. I could give it to you for the right press unless you have something else you wish to offer. You could say the high end community has been looking for someone of your talents for quite some time. I hope you can at least make a good impression before the High Council. You may have bested me this time, but we shall meet again. So they sent you with the message for me for your sake. I hope it's good news, wow. I have never seen a city such as this. This place is huge. See where I come from back on the farm. We don't have fancy buildings like this. I hope you realize what you're getting us into here. We can get in a lot of trouble for this. You know, smuggling This stuff isn't easy. I've been doing this for nine years and I've never been caught You keep up with that attitude and I'll throw you out