Small demo

Profile photo for Connor Aiton
Not Yet Rated


This demo showcases a small amount of what I can provide as a voice actor.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
action packed adventures, offbeat comedies, inspirational storeys, these animal movies and TV shows have a style of spirit unlike anything else. Many a long night has been spent in a dark basement rolling the forbidden Polly. He drew die in casting spells that no one mortal could even dream. Harsh landscapes have been traversed, and deep Dungeons have been explored by those dreaming of living in another world. I'm embarking on a new toad. Those were the days when such basement meetings were widely frowned upon, and those who partook in the art of Dungeons and Dragons were widely shunned or treated as pariahs. Does anyone remember the great Tom Hanks? What about the ridiculous dark Dungeons chick tracked that led many to believe DND was nothing more than a tool of the devil? Those days have long since passed, and the mystery of Dungeons and Dragons has sadly passed into legend. Blood borne could be making its way to the silver screen. James Gunn, director of Guardians of the Galaxy, is teasing. A brand new project is part of Comic on 2018 with the reveal taking place at Sunny's Hole Hey H panel on Friday. Although this mystery film is still very much in the air. There are signs to suggest that Gun is making a blood borne movie. Time is nearly up to find out exactly what Gun has in store for audiences, but the image shared by the director is much too close to the air from the from software developed title for Comfort. Meanwhile, the fact that the game was published by Sony Computer Entertainment means that the Sony panel would be the perfect place for such a project to be unveiled. That said, the question has to be asked. Is blood borne suitable for a movie adaptation?