
Profile photo for Kapuana Ainuu
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When you don’t agree with Church policy, try this. This is a 1 min read from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints website. We can easily find the answers when we have questions and doubts.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the church is always growing and evolving. So while Gospel Truths remain the same church policies and programs and can sometimes change if those changes rub you the wrong way At first, don't panic. Many people are naturally averse to any change. Feeling unsure, doesn't make you a bad disciple. Here are four ideas for moving forward. Number one pray for confirmation. One of the holy ghosts. Main job is to help us know when something is true and inspired, we can pray to receive an independent witness of what our leaders have taught number to explore the topic, dive into scriptures and talks. If the subject isn't directly addressed, Read about broader topics like revelations and profits. Number three try acting on it. The favorite thought that we can know if a teaching is true by following it and seeing what happens, plant the seed and see what grows and number four hold on to what you do know when a doubt pops up, you don't have to throw away everything you already know is true, nurture the testimony, you have the patient trust. That answers will come when the time is right