I Hate Hamlet

Profile photo for Christopher Mueller
Not Yet Rated


An excerpt from the play \"I Hate Hamlet\" by Paul Rudnick

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
last night. Right from the start, I knew I was bombing. I sounded big and phony. Riel, thee and thou and then I started rushing it high. What's new in Denmark? I just could not connect. I couldn't get a hold of it. And while I'm babbling, I look out and there's this guy in the second row. A kid like 16 obviously dragged there, and he's yawning and jiggling his legs and reading his program. And I just want to say, Hey, kid, I'm with you. I can't stay in this either. But I couldn't do that. So I just kept feeling worse and worse, just drowning. And I thought, OK, all my questions are answered. I'm not Hamlet. I'm no actor. What am I doing here? And then I get to the soliloquy, The big job. I'm right in the headlights and I just thought, Oh, Christ, the **** with it. Just do it