
Profile photo for Clayton Horsfall
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. This is Clayton Horsfall, voiceover artist for radio, television and video games. To understand gas prices, we can't start here at the pump. In fact, we have to start all the way at the other end this April on the National Geographic Channel. Look out for on Earth. Report State of the planet for an unflinching assessment of our planet's health. Find out how everyday human habits can leave a mark on planet Earth in human footprints disguised as the enemy. Spy troops fight for freedom. Stakes are higher peril, more treacheries on. Only one team will risk it all to defeat Cobra G I. Joe. If you ask anyone who knows this city, you'll probably get the same response. There's no place quite like Chicago, and there's definitely nothing more emblematic that defines it. Then it's breathtaking. Late. Peter Hirsch wants to text you and your family back to the Stone Age, but clean Horsfall won't let that happen. Well, he's in Congress. Thank you for listening to this voiceover demo for Clayton. Forceful