Bold. Versatile. Smooth.



A career thief accepts a job to rob a client’s home but soon realizes he’s the job. I provided the male and female voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Joe parked his car and walked to the back of the house to the kitchen door, closing the door. He flashed the pin light around the room and saw the brown leather box. He opened the lid and smiled as the jewelry danced in the light. He heard a noise, flipped off his pin light and grabbed his 38 special. Hello? Is that you Joe? He turned the light back on. Damn. He said, what are you doing here? I was nervous. I couldn't stay in bed. I wanted to make sure you got in. All right, I thought you were gonna stay with your husband. Oh, he's sleeping. She pointed to the box. Those are the jewels I figured. Then her hand went inside her robe and it came out with a small pistol that fired twice hitting his chest. He staggered against the bookcase and slumped to the floor. She tucked her gun in her robe, knelt and picked up Joe's 38. Why he asked? Tasting blood. You'll see. She turned on the room light and shouted, Tom. She wrapped a handkerchief around Joe's gun. Tom, come here. I'm in the den. Something's not right. A few seconds later, Tom walked through the door and she shot him in the forehead with Joe was 38. Then she wiped her pistol with her robe and put it in her husband's dead hand. You'll get yours back in a minute. She said to Joe Dyne against the bookcase. I've got a couple of things to do. First, he listened to her call, the police on the phone thinking how frenzied and horrified she seemed the last sound that Joe heard was a sharp clutter of glass as she broke the window in the kitchen door. His last thought was she got me.