E - Learning

Profile photo for Clare White
Not Yet Rated


A voice over which required a delivery that was engaging and informative at the same time.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
thiss company believes in the value of up to date three D asset information on large industrial sites. Many sources of two D and three D information co exist and are used by specialist software and suitably skilled users. Engineers and maintenance departments need to be able to rely on specific data like terrestrial laser scans. Three D models, panoramic images and annotations are core services include three D management, data management and a bespoke Web service. Thiss Way stakeholders Khun work more efficiently, more safely and with a higher level of quality. Field data is acquired and validated in a continuous process by the three D measurement service. Authorised users can navigate through the three D virtual environment. Clever tools create value by simplifying daily operational processes such as measurements, annotation, inspection and reporting on cross sections.