The Real Battle Begins

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It was chapter four of the life battle of Alexander the Great. The launch of his armies in a mission against the Persian Empire. How they faced the struggles and a lot of strategies to put into won the war. This was only the proofread Audiobooks that I read.

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the real battle begins. It was in 334 B. C. E. That alexander would launch its armies on the mission. Of contrast against the Persian empire, he had his men press is worth over bus marches where they then follow the Hebrews River on down to the Gallipoli peninsula. Even though there was a large Persian fleet active along the coast of the region, alexander's army managed to sleep by them without any incident. It is said that even before alexander lived ashore, he threw his peer from his vessel, plunging it into the beach and declaration of his contest, Alexander and his men then continue their march and food where they were virtually enforced. It wasn't until they left oppression controlled, but still very much greek city of pre abuse that they would finally encounter the enemy Come out some 20 miles away across the Veronica's River, near the Persian town of Celia, alexander's first clear picture of what he was facing came to him in the form of his scouts, who relayed back to him that the Persians had a massive cavalry information on the far bank of the river. According to the chroniclers who documented this event. Despite advice from his commanders to delay his attack, alexander insisted that they strike the Persian force as quickly as possible. While they still had the element of surprise facing off against thousands of Persian cavalry and infantry, alexander directed his men in a standard battle permission with his own infantry in the center plank but his cavalry on the sides and then we died across to the river and charge the enemy. At first there was a literal standoff as operations, and macedonians stood their ground staring at each other across the river banks with neither when making a definitive move. It was alexander himself that ushered in the bottle by suddenly Charging his horse across 30 breath a company of trumpets and battle cries on both sides immediately follow. To signify without a doubt that the battle had begun. In the initial onslaught, the Persian archers let loose with an intense volley of arrows. Many of this aim at alexander, who was unmistakable in his brightly shining or need armored when many of his forces would suffer the sting of these arrows, Alexander was to pass for them expertly guiding his horse, but people loose through the torrent of arrows and directly to the front lines of the enemy. It seems that one of the Persians main strategy to deal with alexander was just to kill him outright and end the battle early by taking its leader for the rest of the battle, there was a concerted effort to isolate alexander and take his life with wave after wave operation fighters charging his position. However, alexander's men rallied around him and worked feverishly to drive the operations back, alexander fist that several times. In one instance, while he was fighting a version novel man in front of him, the young macedonian king was killed. A ferocious blow to the back of his head by oppression fighter on a horseback, alexander's helmet saved his life, but the impact of his assailants word was so ferocious That it leaves the helmet right into two, leaving alexander's head and protected for the rest of the battle, alexander fees dead again. Only moments later, when he was charged from behind by yet another round of version cavalry, he was saved when one of his commanders selflessly threw himself at the Parisian warrior, cutting the attacker's arm off living mouth, mortality, wounded versions arm and sort to fault the bloodstained ground below. At this point, About 1000 Persian horsemen had been cut down. The person's realized that their chance of winning the battle had vanished. So the battered army began to make a slow retreat. After the battle was over, alexander took the time to bury the dead and to also take of his spoils of war. Among this, he gathered up about 300 pieces of armor of of the dead Persian soldiers and intending to ship the spoils of war back to Greece had a very striking message inscribed on the surface, alexander, son of Philip and all the Greeks except the Spartans, sent the spoils from the barbarians of Asia, showing a bit of his humor in iron, alexander set the record straight about. Just was supporting him. Many more cities would fall before the macedonians, many of them without a fight. As was the case with the battle for the city of Sardis, in which the Persian commander met alexander's forces outside in the city walls and immediately offered the surrender. It is a bit unclear what the commanders motives where as he had the numbers and the supplies to hold off alexander's men long enough for more versions, reinforcements to arrive. But at any rate relief, alexander accepted his bit of fees. Saudis proved to be a city full of re chest. The gold stores of the town provided a much needed boost of moral to alexander and his soldiers. After acquiring these resources, alexander could for the first time pay his army for the services while also replenishing his own much depleted coffers. After everything was squared away in Sardis, alexander then marched his army on a four day journey to the neighboring coastal city of Ephesus, a town which had been funded hundreds of years before by Greeks but had long since fallen under version Dominion. The efficient, had previously supported alexander's father Philip and here once again alexander found support for himself as well. However, the patients were now split in their sentiments a ritzy bill weir of sorts, bringing up between the democrats who pledged loyalty to alexander and aristocratic minority that supported by Russia. The greek loyalists prevailed however, and the person supporting a wrist ocracy of episodes was put out of business. Once fss was firmly under his control, alexander launched a kind of military parade to celebrate his diplomatic triumph and to display his military capabilities. Neighbouring towns soon took notice and then send their own invoice to pledge their alliance to alexander as a mass imagine a Macedonian king marched through Asia. Minor cities seem ready to capital leeches. Upon seeing his army, however, a town in his path would change their minds. The city of Milton's strategic novel location wanted to offer alexander their surrender, but when they realize Applet version ships whenever they thought otherwise rescinding their offer and burying their gates against the macedonian army, alexander immediately ordered his own greek maybe to converge on the harbor so the Persian ships could not get through, forcing the persons to set a new record. 10 miles of course, alexander then set his corpse of engineers to work, having them tear a hole through the city of walls up Mellitus in which they succeeded beyond expectations, creating such a massive opening that the enter Macedonian army could charge through alexander then prepared his men for a Persian invasion from the enemy sleep. But this invasion force never came the Macedonian gains as unchallenged foothold in the region, with the person simply reduced to occasionally attacking alexander from the sea. It was at this point that alexander made an expected move of disbanding his own navy. Historians have vigorously debated that the reason behind this, but it seems at this point, alexander realized that this small fleet would be insignificant against the massive Persian novel and decided it would be better to put all of his energy behind the strike over land. Rather Reese loses at sea. This in turn greatly expanded the scope of alexander's plans for contest. Since the only way he could shut down the person fleet by land was to deny them safe harbor on the coast. This means that alexander would have to capture every port city along the eastern Mediterranean. His first major challenge in this tusk would come in the form of the 4th city of highly cornices. The Persian fleet was out of reach safely moored within the cities of harbors, and the city itself was completely encircled in heavy walls. Meanwhile, General Man Mon, who had taken over the city was able to send out battalions of his troops. It will bursting them through the city gates, irregular intervals to keep alexander's men completely off balance, making things even more difficult. The Persians had dug formidable trenches around the city walls. These trenches had to be filled if the macedonians were ever going to be able to break through to the city, but even approaching the trenches became a little hazard as alexander's men were brutally shut down. The Persian archers station from watch towers, knowing that his men didn't stand a chance unless they had some sort of protection, he devised a plan for groups of soldiers to shelter themselves and the removable sheds as they approach. But even this wasn't enough to protect them from the first rain of death, alexander said in frustration as arrows and giant boulders crashed his best soldiers and engineers. But the city walls would not budge. The siege then carried on through the summer and in the fall, with intermittent skirmishes claiming lives on both sides. The Macedonians however, fared the wetter in these bottles and the death toll was always slightly better on their end. As autumn began to turn to winter with supplies and manpower finally dwindling meme non and his men need has the exceed finally living the city to alexander in a long awaited battle, one mostly through attrition. It was a victory nonetheless. And now alexander was one major step closer to his goal controlling the enter agent cost of Asia Minor, alexander would then spend the rest of the winter moving further inland and consolidating his gains with most of the town's he encountered offering immediate surrender. Things seem to be growing very well for the Macedonian conquest. But while alexander was busy subduing all of Asia minority General men in decided to take the White straight to Macedonia itself. After occupying the strategic islands of chaos and Lesbos, he made overtures to disgruntled Spartans and Athenians declaring that if decided with him, he would overthrow the Macedonian overlords. To the horror of alexander, most of the Greeks met this news with unbridled and Tasha's um leaving the Macedonian king, they trade on the home front. Once again, this created the horrible dilemma of for alexander, if he dropped everything and ran back to Macedonia to step up aversion envision he would lose everything he had gained in Asia manure. And yet if he stayed away, he risked losing the very heart of his kingdom. When alexander here that Lebanon was poised to invade his homeland of Macedonia with the full backing of many of the greek city. the outlook of alexander could not have been worse yet. Feet or the gods, as alexander probably believed, we're smiling upon him on that day. By sheer chance, right before Meme non was to undertake the invasion. He fell ill and died. This struck as a deer blow to any plans of invasion. His successor was inexperienced and unlike men, mine, virtually unknown among the Greeks, causing them to become unsure of themselves And back out of their plans of 3 3 altogether. This was definitive stroke of good luck for alexander and with the Persian invasion of Macedonian scrap, he was now free to finalize his compass in the east, ironically enough, well subdued in villages and cities, states or throughout the region, alexander, I'm a single handedly ruined the whole expedition. It was sent military defeat that grand a Macedonian military machine to help. But alexander's own youthful ignorance, unexpectedly calamity a quid when alexander, who was suffering from hit explosion through it would be a good idea to take a dive in the core rivers of Tarsus. His army had been marching for days in the staggering hit of the civilian planes. When they reached the city. Upon seeing the cool rivers that run along its outskirts, alexander rip off his clothes and jump right into water. Despite the scorching heat outside, the source of this river was from the frigid mountains, to the surprise of alexander, the water was, I schooled, unexpected rigidness of the water sent alexander into shock, and as the blood drain from his face he found that he could no longer move his limbs, he began to sink to the bottom of the river red. His soldiers immediately rushed forward and carried him out of the water before he was swept away by the icy currents. The quick action of his men save him from sudden death. But as he lay in his tent on one skirts of Tarsus alexander's condition went from bad to worse. I spent the next few days with a dangerously high fever just barely clinging to life. This was certainly a strange turn of events for conquering Macedonia hero who had come to be known as alexander degree. As a consequence to his drama. His army was thrown into a terrible panic, wondering what tragic fate would befall them if alexander fast away and left them all stuck deep behind enemy lines, With no 1 to lead them. It was in a state of blood, compassion for their king and terror of their own fate, that his men efficiently waited outside of his tent for him to recover alexander had been lunching between life and death when his personal position proposed to give him a special concoction that allegedly would stimulate his body and reverse the effects of the cold special potions and tonics. With the standard treatment of the D. As a greek medicine of the time, just really focus on maintaining a balance in the body. If the body was too cold, a conduction of hot peppers was administered, and if the body was too warm, healing oils were applied, not much of this, asian greek alchemy can be said to be rooted in some science, but whatever it was, the disposition actually gave him, it seems to do the trick. Perhaps the power of suggestion is more powerful than anything else. But as it stands, just a few hours after alexander for took of his treatment, his fever broke and he began to quickly regain his strength treaties. Later, he walked out of his stand completely healed to the roaring truth of his macedonian army. one, his health was restored. Alexander tightened his grip on Tarsus and even took over the city's Imperial First Amendment, having the engravers issue out new coins with the image of Sousse and the name alexander and blessing on the surface, this clever propaganda tool alexander used in order to make his legitimacy appeared to grow in the region. It was also a humiliating embarrassment to the Persian emperor Darius, who redoubled his efforts to stop the troublesome macedonians, soon deciding to send out his entire army to finally deal a decisive blow to alexander's advance. However, there are you still eat advancing on alexander's position, preferring to stay in the open flinch just north of the future city of anti Ox. In doing so, there is hope he could somehow Lourie alexander out in the open so that he could unleash the bull might of his infantry and charge it. But alexander, instead of coming right and the open remain among the mountain passes just out of the persons reach, losing his patients that are just finally decided to forfeit his superior position in the plains to pursue the macedonians in the mountains. It was here that confusion seem to reign as Darius, relying on faulty intelligence, actually went up, squeeze right behind the book of alexander's advancing military into a tiny strip of land in between the mountains. In the sea, alexander immediately recognized the great advantage he had been given as the Persians who carried larger numbers were now forced to practically fight him single file in a narrow mountain pass. The Macedonians quickly didn't about face and began the attack, driving thousands of his infantry flanked by Macedonian cavalry at the mighty armies of the Persian Empire. It is said that when alexander led his men on the final charge against the Persians that they travel at such speed that they actually flew underneath. The incoming version are those arriving faster than the Persian archers could even take him hitting the enemy. At the full gal of the macedonians managed to break through depression. Battle information striking outside with terror in the front line troops, the Persian defenses were on the verge of collapse when it was their eurozone greek mercenaries who came to the rescue fighting desperately against the Macedonian infantry center, they managed to cut through alexander's mainline, steering about in the Macedonian armies defenses. It is said that the ferociousness of priests, mercenaries was able to drive alexander's men back, killing many in the process. While torrents of brick insults were hurled back and forth on both sides.