Mobile mover module



In this module, we will discuss what to do if you come across an unattended mobile mover. A mobile mover is an assistive device used to carry heavy objects from point A to point B.

This vehicle must be operated by a qualified driver, or, if in automatic mode, must be supervised at all times. If you

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) East African (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In this module, we will discuss what to do if you come across an unattended mobile mover. A mobile mover is an assisted device used to carry heavy objects from point A to point B. This vehicle must be operated by a qualified driver or if an automated mode must be supervised at all times. If you see a mobile mover and attended on the floor, immediately check your surroundings to ensure that there are no other people in the direct path. Then proceed to walk to the back of the mobile mover and initiate the shuttle valve. The shuttle valve is located on the passenger side of the mobile mover. Be sure to notify your supervisor of the unattended mobile mover and log it in the logbook.