Profile photo for CHARIFA MRANI
Not Yet Rated


SHARIFA' s voice can range between young adult and middle aged. It can be warm and inviting , sexy and sultry, attractive and sincere. , conversational, friendly, and believable. In business and narration, Laura's voice is strong, confident, authoritative and authentic. Her clients say she has great

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Arabic (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
an ancient journey that affects us today, even though Israel is a small country, it is always in the news. The news continues to report on jews moving to Israel on the technology invented there, but also on conflict wars and tensions with surrounding people. Why I look at Israel's history in the book of genesis, in the bible reveals that 4000 years ago, a man who is now very well known went on a camping trip in that part of the world. The bible says that his story affects our future. This ancient man is Abraham, also known as Abraham. We can take his story seriously because the places and cities he visited are mentioned in other old writings.