Carter Owens Videogame Demo English

Profile photo for Carter Owens
Not Yet Rated


A collection of snippets to demonstrate my range

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm afraid all stories must come to an end. Do you know what? You look like? A fool? Rise. My Children sweep over this realm leaving only blood and you awake. Keep this up and you might end up making some new enemies or worse some new friends. I mean, come on. Think of the possibilities. This place was once my home now. It is nothing more than another world cut in the constant maelstrom of war. Come on, give me something fun. The universe is a place of wonder. I will tear the life from your hands. The celebration is over. But it seems your greedy soul brought you here. I want to see you bleed, seek adventure among the stars. So they really showed you, huh?