Non Fiction Sample

Profile photo for Carl Willie
Not Yet Rated

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


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Chapter four have a vision. I was 20 years old at the time. I was in barber school and I was trying to figure out if this barbering thing was really gonna work for me as a real life career. One of my friends, Elliott Jefferson, had asked me to cut his hair, and I did. He was my guy. He and I met in the music room in college while I was studying on A in a room, and we hit it off immediately. We had a lot in common. He was a musician and I was a musician. He was a preacher's kid, and so was I. He supported me, and he believed in me while I was in barber school, and he was one of my first customers when I started cutting. Hair is a professional. Let me pause right here and say that everything happens for a reason. You may not know why you went to a certain school. I lived in a certain neighborhood. You may have experienced a rough life for a privileged life. Maybe you didn't grow up with the mother or father, but all things really do work together for the good This is not just a cliche statement. I know this to be true because time and time again, life keeps on. Show me that there is a reason for everything, even when you don't realize it. After finishing Elliott's cut one day in August by the name of Li, Mo bumped into him. She asked him who cut his hair. Ellie gave my name to mow on. One conversation led to another. From that conversation and introduction happened in. The next thing I knew started cutting little, most there. Soon after, I started cutting her husband's here, but it didn't stop there. Eventually I was traveling and cutting her background dancers, singers and anyone else who needed a cut on the road with him. That moment was a vision shift for me. I didn't realize that Baton One conversation shifted my entire perspective. I hadn't seen myself the way others and saw me, but Mo helped me to shape my vision for what I was set to become. By being around the right people. I started making better business decisions by being around the right people. I became exposed to another level of opportunity. Little mo, help me change my vision about branding, promotion and barbering, she suggested. I get some professional flyers, made him pass them out. I then got connected to someone I met through her and had a website created showcase In my skill set, I wasn't thinking about doing any of that before I met her. Once I printed out the Flyers, I started passing them out of her shows. And wherever I went throughout the week, my connection to her exposed me to another way of thinking and new people. People were able to see my work in ways that were not common for a barber in my area. My clientele grew as a result of this during that time. Door to door flyer distribution wasn't a popular thing in my Barber's weren't promoting their work on flyers, social media or Web sites like that. They were getting the bulk of their clients by word of mouth. But low. Most friendship started a new way of life for me. I started to see myself differently. It wants my vision changed. Clients started coming from everywhere. Not before long. People started calling me a celebrity barber. I went with it for a second, but I never really like the title Celebrity Barber. I didn't want them to limit my clientele, and I didn't want people to think that I only cuts the lips. I also did more people to assume that is this elite stuck up guy. Over time, I decided to give myself a different title. Master Barber, My master. I don't mean that I know it all, but I am a certified barber who has been trained in my field. I have worked on my Crawford decades, and I want people to know that no matter who you are middle class, upper class celebrity or child. After you leave my chair, you will experience the service of a master barber. Will you call yourself? Tells me how you see yourself. Did you realize that what you call yourself has a lot to do with your vision? This is so much power. New words? Did you realize that what you call yourself has a lot to do with vision? There is so much power in your words, and when you speaking negative words out of your mouth, negative things will manifest. But if you speak prosperity and success and you make the decisions that match revision and success is bound to happen for you. It's called The Power of Declaration. We have to learn the daily declare who we are openly speak positively, even when you may not see the positive around. You trust me, it works. The key is that you have to believe what you speak. Cancel out all doubt and worry. See yourself as your best self. Our minds on words are so powerful daily, I personally would speak over my life and write positive words of affirmation. Speaking things into the atmosphere puts a demand on the thing that you spoke, and eventually it has to manifest according to destiny. Our words create our reality. Expect greatness and watch it manifest before your eyes in due time. Not only is it important to think about what you call yourself, you must also think about what you allow others to call. You. Call yourself Why? Because all of this has to do with vision. If I allow you to call me a college dropout than I allow you to define me by your perception of what a college dropout is. If I allow you to call me a statistic, then people will assume that I am just like every other person. Within that statistic, How you see yourself has a lot to do with what you call yourself as an entrepreneur. I know a little something about having vision. Vision is the ingredient that separates the good from the great vision. Is that special thing about you that causes people to pay attention to you? Steve Harvey had a vision to entertain the world. He found his line of comedy, and he used that lane to create his vision. Now he's on television every day of the week, hosting talk shows, game shows, radio shows, promoting movies and writing books. His vision made room for him, and provision soon followed. The same is true for Jay Z. Nobody thought that a rapper would become a billionaire, but he had a vision. He used his music platform to open up new business opportunities, and now he's one of the most successful hip hop artists of all time. If someone has helped to you toe level up in your life, make sure to thank them for the words their investment and their advice. Without a vision, you'll perish and without a vision, your business will diminish. Many people have sight. Vision is something different. Do you have vision? Can you see beyond what exists right now? Do you have the insight to look at the foreclosed warehouse and create a masterpiece out of what the average person would call a mess? Are you taking your life to the next level by listening to people who know better than you? Sometimes the hardest person to convinces you everybody else thinks you're the best in your field, but you keep doubting yourself because you need to strengthen your confidence and your vision.