Carissa McAllen Voiceover Demo

Profile photo for Carissa McAllen
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian British (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Karissa McKellen. I I'm stuck. Didn't terrible it doing about myself. I own a gym. I'm a mum with two cheeky teenagers, and they keep me on my toes. So here's the demo when you've had enough of feeling anxious about choosing the right home line. Remember, since George is big enough to be home lender of the year, but small enough to still help you make the right choice, I'm going to give you a few tips on how to get a good night's sleep and wake refreshed and full of energy. First, have a regular sleep patent. Try to go to bed at the same time every night, wind down and relax before going to bed on a daytime naps. If you have to have a nap, make it less And the Internet has changed the way we live. But with so many activities done online, it's become easier for hackers to get access to your personal information. In fact, 35% of people have at least one unprotected device, leaving them vulnerable to the risk of a cyber attack. That's why it's worth taking steps to protect yourself while you're using. Victoria now has new laws to make it easier for Victorians to say enough to family violence. The new laws make it easier for police to act quickly and decisively to protect those most affected. No one likes being in hospital. The kids. It could be really traumatic. So Tail See has introduced distraction boxes. They're only boxes of toys, but they can reduce the need for serious pain medication simply by distracting kids while they're in hospital. Every sick head needs tail. See, how can you expect a real woman like made to fit into these teeny tiny radio spot? Women don't speak in 32nd bursts rial women were real me from play ticks. They understand the rial women need bras for lifting, minimising, shaping and concert some hearts squeezing into something she's not. You know that Red Win saw Blaine is a natural moisturiser. You know that it has no added colours, so it's gentle on sensitive skin. What you may not know is that red ones. So Belene is now available as a 100% organic moisturising bar. So now the moisturiser, you know, is the moisturising bar that you love. So if you like what you heard, give me a call on O for 09 to 20 three, Double eight