Character range (English)

Profile photo for Cameron Chong
Not Yet Rated


Characters include: average male, old timey announcer, stuffy nerd, stuck-up British aristocrat, lovelorn teen, and eccentric old man. Recorded and mixed at home.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
so I guess we're just going to ignore the fact that our manager just screamed at the top of his lungs and ran out of here. Should we be worried about christmas? Bonuses, Spirit of Memphis takes the lead followed shortly by christmas in Milwaukee and melting dream sickle who are neck and neck followed by, wait a minute. What's this? It seems a turkey or some kind of poultry has entered the race. My God, there are feathers everywhere, folks. You'll only see this kind of thing here at Marvin's Raceway home of the Marvin Dog now available at the concession stand. Um I don't think you're supposed to be putting that much bible syrup on your spaghetti or any for that matter, pardon me young man, but I have never been spoken to in such a manner. I insist you apologize at once to mr poopsie. He's quite delicate and his ego cannot handle even the slightest criticism. I never meant to hurt you. I was just lonely and scared and well when I'm with you I feel most like myself and I wasn't ready to give that up. I'm so sorry. Oh I do so appreciate you coming to visit. It's been so long since anyone has come to join me for a meal which you care for some watercress sandwiches in a cream soda