Tavern Times

Profile photo for Cameron Rosatti
Not Yet Rated


I personally wrote the scenario and dialogue for the demo provided. A typical fantasy setting featuring a party of would be adventurers looking to test the might of their new member. Characters are Peppy Hero, Polished Knight, Intellectual Wizard, Wise Druid, Nervous Newbie, and Cheerful Rouge.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
greetings. My name is Cameron Rosati, and this will be my demo of Tavern times. Please enjoy the characters I will be playing. Are the peppy hero. To the polish night, The intellectual wizard, then to the wise, druid, nervous newbie, then the cheerful rogue, and then finally to end with the peppy Hero again. Hey, everyone, I found a job for us. It should be straightforward this time. I made sure of it. Our new member can finally show us what they're made of. Unlike last time, where I picked a job a little too difficult. Seems a good fit, shouldn't be too difficult for them yet. It will challenge them enough to put their skills to the test. Let us hope it doesn't end up like last time. Indeed, I have no quarrel. I also wish to see what the young one can do despite their, shall I say, lack of experience. This one has potential truly. Tell Me, Young one. Do you think you can handle such a job? Well, all right, if you say so, I'll try my best not to disappoint. A wolf pack shouldn't be too hard. Hopefully you are truly a riot, always seeming so nervous. You wouldn't have gotten this far. If you weren't capable head high, my friend, you'll be a great fit for this party. I guarantee it. Right. Well, that settles it tomorrow. We head to the woods to slay a pack of wolves. Well, everyone, what do you say? We have a toast to victory. And that was my demo of the characters in Tavern times. I really hope you enjoyed. Thank you so much for your time.