Documentary script

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documentary script, The Maya, an ancient South American culture predicted that time would end in a violent apocalypse. On December 21st 2012 they created an elaborate astronomical calendar called The Long Count, which stops abruptly in 2012. This date, which is also the winter equinox, coincides with an incredibly rare galactic alignment that happens once every 26,000 years. What did the mines think would happen when their calendar ended? And were they joined by other cultures from different parts of the world and in different centuries, all pointing to 2012 as a calamitous end time? The Hopi Indians and Eastern Hindu share similar calendars, which are remarkably synchronous. One counterculture, mystic even uses an ancient Chinese philosophy to unlock the key to a 2012 prophecy. No, Stra Domus himself suggests that the world is headed toward a coming cataclysm. What can we do to head the warning of the Mayan apocalypse