Voices Demo

Profile photo for David O`Shea
Not Yet Rated


Hi just went through a variety of different accents so hopefully one of these pricks your ears and gets some good attention and has a use for some future project.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Irish (Eastern- Leinster, Dublin) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
today I recording my dental for voices dot com. My name is David O'Shea. I'm an Irish born man born in 1985 born in a hospital that has no diminished. The hospital is named Aaron Vou. So this is a hospital? That is also a nose, truth and air hospital. Um, what? I was Joe, I have meetings, Robert, my ears. So I spend a lot of time in this house, so it means a lot to me. Therefore, one of my old even addresses hot air in Kark dot com. So moving on, I'm not 36 years of age on. I currently hold a black belt in karate short of Concordia. I started when I started this when I was seven years old and I got a black man when I was 11. Moved on from that, and it's a boxing. Might I Some come through, um, on some Brazilian jiu jitsu. Another course I would have liked. But I doubled in each of these martial arts. Now I find myself here to 36 self employed in the midst of a pandemic. But I have my very own mobile Jim, on the sole purpose of this mobile gym is to go around uncover southwest Ireland. Basically West Cork. I wanna help you Help them get fit. I bring in my fitness mobile to their host wherever they are and setting up with car fire or in the hall were allowed workout in sight. I wanna have these people reach their goals in a nice, friendly kind of a manor. Fitness is not so scary like they're made to believe. Looking at me. Tick tack on YouTube. So the whole purpose of this demo is to kind of like at that. I love the reactions. Ah, come from Clark. So I have Kark accent on. I moved about as a young fella. I lived in London younger, rattled. I lived in Germany, spent quite a few years there, and I also been a few months in different parts of Ireland. So I just love accents. Look, the Southern Ireland accent, the Northern Ireland oxen. I can speak sometimes again from Lord of the Island on, you know, the puns. If I'm just watching a little wee bit of ah TV when they're speaking from the north of Ireland, I can put on the accident quite fast. and quite easy. But then sometimes I like to move it down East Ireland at the Capitol Dublin on. Then it's going in, like, you know, Depends. I couldn't open you're from, But they saw the same and commented on my advice before saying that you got a good actions and you wouldn't even know you're from cartoon on a man. One day there was instead of hoping it was hanging up at the counter, and I was talking to a lady Napoleon mines, actually from Dublin, and she actually said that he was an impostor. And I am the real a real elephant Open on. That was quite funny. Reaction was so convincing. I'm a little bit sometimes we get the ship, you know, we get both the 30 our plane, um, out of a total auction. Uh, we go across the war London, and over there, you know, I've got a family as well. And sometimes, you know what kind of changes in tow? A little bit of London, you know? **** me, Go without me. Um all right. How you doing, mate? Haven't seen you in a long time. Kind of a few points. Yeah, wind up So I was thinking we were put the kids to sleep. The ladies can look off the kids, you know? And then we got down to the local pub. I've got a pool. Um, no thoughts. He drinks cheque, catch up. Roberts. You know, um, I've got a lot of family. And in island on DH, living in England, back to you go up and full of my favourite full team in England, which is Manchester United. See it broken up with that. So when I go to Manchester, sometimes that I like being around because, you know, I think the axe is pretty cool. And I think I'm not too sure. If it's exactly Manchester and I tonight, we kind of watched, you know, stuff like, uh, watching Coronation Street. You know, taking about what a charming best. I absolutely despise the rivals. No liver pill. Be able live, feel accident. I calm down appeal, see what we named Don't down down the road. That's a bit too much. All right, so I'm back to me anyway. And just before I go, I'm gonna leave it on an Americano. American actions in five minutes, talking here and there. But you kind of catch my drift like accents. I can really get into him if you got a character behind them. I would like to believe even little Miss characters. They suit me better, but he had no anything just like my voice to good use that was informed. Doing different voices on I would just like to see because, you know, mate No, no, from Scotland. If you're from Scotland, you know, you can do a little bit of an accident like that the last few weeks. Billy Connolly. And because l was in a problem the Northern Alan Jackson on school Tae shocks. I think I've worked on a small, but so we'll see what you think about that. And they, um yeah, so I can always do the depends What kind of kind of accent you've won. You know, it's voices dot com. You could one of the kind of action you want. You know, one Western Europe, you could go in Eastern Europe. I'm not too great Eastern Europe. But we can also go, you know, from America we can do from South America. What part, Americans, You will meet, talk about when we talk like I'm some sort of cowboy, you know? I don't mind. Really? So you think I can say whatever you want me to Just give me the money and I'll be funny. I'll talk all God damn night. Yeah. You want me to call, call on talk a little bit, Like, for example, Like I'm working in the frickin the streets of New York. You know what I mean? Yeah, I can try it. You know, I mean, I'm not quite good at it, but if I listen to, ah, somebody from New York from Warden and now maybe 10 minutes, I could give it a good best. So what I'm trying to tell you is I can do quite a few accents and I ain't shy. Ah, in shine. So why not give me a chance? You know? See, see, see, see where it goes and maybe make some we can make something. So I'm hoping, you know, I could be here. I'm here six minutes 50 a lot longer. You know, if you want, you can talk at night. You know what I mean? I mean, I don't usually talk about stuff like this in when I've got a bit too much room demeaning. You know? I mean, a doc where me borderline Gina come from Jimmy the dark land while the direct manner Yeah, we like we like we like smoked a rasta if you know what I mean When the sun shines and our words right smoke and night in this own shame I made up now from from your head You know I haven't got that written down the time And my matter of fact I ain't got nothing written down here So that's my accidents I've got loads more I will definitely give some ago. So here's hoping fingers crossed Hope these were no Fyssas for, you know, And we can do to superhero accent Or we can do the Irish accent, American exit kind of accent you want. So you know the voices you want just You're going on the bash office, You see Nothing to lose. Okay, but you've got the looks of it. Listen to me. Okay? Hopefully the microphone there wasn't 22 started by a new microphone. It's good enough