Aphrodite has had enough

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Aphrodite is mad that everyone in Greece blames her for tragedy. I adapted part of the book Top Ten Greek Legends by Terry Deary to make a monologue for audio. I tried a sweet airy voice for Aphrodite with a fed-up attitude.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It has to be said. I'm fed up. They're at it again. Whenever there's trouble, they always cry. Blame Aphrodite E. Now there's this silly little Warren Troy, and they're off again. Blame Aphrodite E. Well, that's not good enough. I've had enough, and I want to set the record straight. I'm not to blame. You know how it all started. It was the goddess of spite Eris, who threw that golden apple into the feast we were having on Olympus. Spiteful isn't the word for it. She's even worse in your purse. Stephanie Aires written for the fairest on the side of the apple. Naturally, I thought it was for me. Everyone says I'm the most beautiful thing they've ever seen. For some reason, your wife, Hera, thought she should have the apple. And then your daughter Athena tried to say she was the fairest. That, in my opinion, is a joke. But I wouldn't want you to think I'm being petty. We turn to you, didn't we? We said, Well, Zeus, who's the fairest and what did you do? You lost your nerve. You didn't dare tell your wife and daughter that I was more beautiful than them. you said Prince Paris of Troy could judge between us. So what happened next? Wasn't my fault. Those two ugly crows knew they couldn't beat me. So they tried to bribe Prince Paris. Hera offered him his power, said he could make a great ruler and Athena offered to make him a great fighter. What a poor little Aphrodite he do. I offered him the love of the most beautiful woman on earth. Of course, Paris gave me the Golden Apple. But it was only fair because I'm the most beautiful. By far. Is it my fault that he won the love of Helen? Was it my fault that Helen was already married? Was it my fault that he stole her from her husband and took her off to Troy? Now they're all blaming me. Now Helen's husband, Menelaos, has raised a huge army and has been attacking Troy for 10 years to try to get her back. Blame Aphrodite e. They're saying If this war ends and the Greeks go home and are happy and Milius has Helen back, will they be happy? I bet they won't. They'll always do what they always do. They'll wine and moan and look for someone to blame on. We all know who they'll choose