Character Sample Quirky - Silly - Animated - Cartoony - Humorous - Playful - Amusing - Crazy - Wacky

Profile photo for Butch McCain
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


How can he change voices that quickly????
Butch McCain is a professional male voice-over actor whose voice is warm, friendly and believable. Butch has a voice that will bring your copy to life and leverages his TV/FILM acting background to give a variety of tones and emotions to the story you want to tell. An authoritative yet friendly sound perfect for your radio commercial, television commercial, promo, narration, phone project or business presentation. I look forward to serving you and giving your vision a voice!
This demo has been described as:
Quirky - Silly - Animated - Cartoony - Humorous - Playful - Amusing - Crazy - Wacky

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
recording a character demo and 30 seconds is kinda tricky because you have to show your range and flexibility using a wide variety of voices and styles and change in the direction of airflow across the lyrics, moving like a burp in a wind tunnel. That is to say, that's just not natural to the human fruit. Making the most of 1/2 a minute, you have to dazzle perspective clients and producers without sounding like a reject from Hanna Barbera. While you don't what you have to say, I say you do watch 1/2 to to stay in show business.