Yoga Nidra

Profile photo for Maja Burton
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Guided meditation voice audition for audio book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
yoga Need ra one. Wind down, fly down and make yourself comfortable. You may wish to place a pillow underneath your head and underneath your shoulders and knees to ensure comfort in the body. Adjust the head, neck and shoulders so they are in line with your spine and allow your legs and arms to spray outwards with your palms facing up. Make any last adjustments so that the body can remain completely still throughout the practice. However, if any discomfort prevents you from following the practice, there is no harm in adjusting the body during yoga. Need ra. We focus on the act of hearing and feeling, heightening our awareness, and the only thing to remember is to follow the voice of the instructor with your complete attention. Now close your eyes, allowing them to soften and sink towards the back of the head. Bring your awareness to the breath in the body. Take a big inhale, and in the next exhale, let your body feel completely heavy and again big, inhale and exhale completely, letting go. Let your body fall heavy, sinking deeper and deeper, just letting go. And now become aware of the sounds outside the room one by one, and now bring your awareness to the sounds inside the room one by one. Now bring your awareness to the physical body lying on the floor in complete stillness, from the top of the head to the tips of the toes feel the body become heavier and heavier. The legs fall heavy. The arms. The head falls heavy. The whole body melts, letting go, then say silently within. I am practicing yoga. Nedra, I am awake and alert, and now we will begin to rotate the consciousness through different parts of the body. We will move quickly from one part to another, and all you have to do is bring your awareness to each part of the body by either imagining or simply bringing your awareness there. Or you may wish to repeat the name of the part of the body after the voice. So now we begin. Bring awareness to the fingers on the right hand palm of the right hand, right wrist, right elbow, right shoulder and right armpit. Bring awareness to the right waist. Hip, right knee, right ankle sole of the right foot. Bring awareness to the toes of the right foot remaining awake and alert and now bring awareness to the fingers of the left hand palm of the left hand. Left wrist, left elbow, left shoulder and left armpit. Bring awareness to the left waist hip, left knee, left ankle sole of the left foot. Bring awareness to the toes of the left foot, remaining awake and alert, and now bring awareness to the back of the body. Both heels touching the floor, both butt cheeks touching the floor, both shoulder blades Back of the head. Bring awareness to the top of the head. Forehead. Both eyebrows. Space between the eyebrows. Bring awareness to both eyes, the nose tip of the nose. Both nostrils. Bring awareness to the lips. Chin jaws in the throat, remaining awake and alert. Now bring awareness to the chest, the heart center and the belly. Bring awareness to both legs at the same time. Both arms at the same time. Back of the body, front of the body and now the whole body. Bring awareness to the whole body remaining awake and alert