Sample from medical audiobook



This is a clear sample of audiobook work I've done recently. I use my own equipment and do all my own editing. No need to outsource.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
introduction, According to the CDC, over 1.7 million people have been diagnosed with cancer in 2019. 28 million have been diagnosed with heart disease. In 2018, out of every 100,000 people have suffered a stroke. According to the CDC, 20% of Americans are suffering from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year and 3% of Americans have more than one mental illness. At a time, Serious mental illness affects approximately 5% of adults impinging on their ability to function in society. These disorders include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe forms of depression, panic disorder and obsessive disorder, which are also four of the 10 leading causes of disability. In addition, there are approximately 300,000 new cases of schizophrenia annually. Approximately 20% of doctor appointments are related to anxiety disorder. Society has little problem discussing the first three cancer, heart disease and strokes when it comes to mental illness. The topic seems to be much more difficult to discuss when looking at studies or poles. It is very important to look at the methodology in order to know who they are asking, how questions are asked, how many are asked and where they were asked in many situations, The studies or polls do not appear to be valid due to the methodology, such as how the questions are asked, not specific enough for leading questions or too few participants are questioned or the study is biased in who they question. For instance, polls focusing on one part of the country, one age group or one economic group in this case. The statistics regarding the heart disease and stroke appear to be accurate as prior to their deaths. The individuals were diagnosed with such diseases. However, studies regarding mental illness do not ask about diagnosis, but rather has the individual had a depressive episode in the past year. An episode is an incident in the course of a series of events in a person's life. According to dictionary dot com. Television episodes are released weekly. Some may think a depressive episode is one day. However a depressive episode Last two weeks according to substance abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The mental health study was initiated in order to produce estimates of any mental illness and serious mental illness in the US From 2008 to 2012. A sub sample of adults was selected from the main study to participate in a follow up telephone interview, obtaining detailed mental health assessment administered by trained mental health clinicians. They used the structural clinical interview for D. S. M. For T. R. Access disorders. Research version non patient edition. The data collected from 2000 and 8 to 2012 was applied to data from the national survey on drug use and health in order to produce estimates for the entire N. S. D. U. H. Adult sample in these years. Although this particular study is detailed in the methodology, they use other documents than other studies in order to come to their conclusions involving prevalence with that, I caution that when you come upon a study or pole, you should read the methodology. Mental illness has been difficult to understand for those who are not professionals in the field. Even for professionals in the field, diagnosing a person with a possible mental illness can be very complex. I have often come across people who are not professionals, but believe they know how to diagnose without any training, let's say for instance, someone is coughing, it could be a number of physical ailments. This is similar to diagnosing a number of mental illnesses. No one is in anyone else's mind and does not know what symptoms an individual is experiencing or know their day to day life. Treatment of those with mental illnesses has ameliorated substantially from ice baths, to quote psychic killings, unquote to private hospitals to treating them with dignity and respect to the present, where we continue to try to decrease the stigma of the mentally ill. We can endorse the idea that we can talk about it without it seeming like a four letter word