Video Game Character Voice Reel 2022 - Brendan McCoy

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Not Yet Rated


An updated selection of some of my multi-award nominated voice work in video games, including the 2022 BAFTA Game Of The Year Award Nominated 'The Forgotten City' by Modern Storyteller, for which I was also nominated for the 2022 One Voice Award for 'Best Male Performance in a Video Game'.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Eastern European (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm from logorrhea of North. Originally I was doing all right for myself. 12 years into my service. Had a nice girl lined up for when it was all over. Not anymore. She's probably figured I'm long gone and moved on by now. I try not to think about it. My commander sent me to deliver a message to Rome. While I was there. I thought I'd do something nice for my girl and pick up a little pendant from a silversmith. That's when the crowd started flooding through the streets shouting fire. People were screaming, trampling each other. Then some genetic and future tried to take advantage of the chaos and pinch my pendant. Remember chasing him through the crowds down towards the river and then nothing blacked out and woke up near here. No idea how I ended up floating so far down river. What? I'm fortunate to be alive. I suppose. Chaos warriors destroy them. Skull crushers have drawn skulls, blood shirt. Whoa, explosions are the masters of creation. The Big Bang forged the universe and the cataclysm carved the div Are deprivation and seclusion did not hurt our minor ancestors. It only ignited the strength and craving for resources that still drive our kind food. Mhm The pirate ****. I'm just a deep space salvage operation with a bit of firepower. I am designated Alabama does not mean anything. I am a navigator and the designation is Rudolph, not Rudolph. I do not remind people a second time. Frost ling clans are gathering a new high queen has taken the throne of midwinter and is ready to choose her consort and re forge the alliance of the clan plan varun hime has a proud history, but my ancestor's dedication to protecting the realm has left our halls in ruins. I am the last Lord of Arcs. I must win the queen's favor and secure repayment for our sacrifices. So this is the little ship that's been causing me so much trouble. Of course, I'll just get my coat. Don't be stupid boy, you're in my way, you're brave. I'll give you that. But I'm ready to kill you. Understand, Forest boy, If he's so sure, why the **** doesn't he get his *** down here and camp out in the freezing cold himself. Look at this thing! If it's a door, how the **** does it open? It's huge. What's Nico doing about those rodents crawling out of the cracks? Very evil scrawny! You heard that scream? That does not sound scrawny. It was called the chantry from having informal times been in the possession of certain monks. It is contiguous to the churchyard of Barclay Castle and the tower of ST mary's church overhangs the southern boundary of the shrubbery, they're nibbling at this. Understand jim joe and mary on their foreheads. Oh, horrible, crumpled horns, bud there, tom with a tail and poor William all harry reclined in a corner are chewing the cut. I have since met with a considerable number of these Africans who all agree in one story. People take the juice of smallpox, cut their skin and put in a drop. They get a little sick, but nobody dies of it. The alternative presented by the french government to his majesty in language, the most peremptory and menacing was the evacuation of Malta or the renewal of war. His majesty is actuated solely by a sense of what is due to the honor of his crown and the interests of his people, and by an anxious desire to obstruct the further progress of a system which may prove fatal to every part of the civilized world.