City of Wizards Radio Play

Profile photo for Brad Pontius
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Several voices of relatively similar nature. Fantasy-themed radio play.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I had gone down to the docks to figure out what had happened. Blow and wrong. The caution clan had guys. They're armed. Dangerous. Quick Scuffle. Made sure that they wouldn't be bothering me anymore, though. But what I didn't expect was how I found the body there. Time once again for the exciting adventures off Sal Rex Strongbow Rejoin us for chapter to a malevolent murder, Evil Gangsters and a chilling mystery from the pen of Aaron. If Simmons, great writer of murder mystery Demopolis news radio proudly presents the questing murders. Chapter two, it's is awful. This kind of thing don't happen Normally, the body was gruesome. A troll fella, raggedy clothes, a hobo. One of the countless folks chewed up and spit back out by the city of Wizards underground. Probably not a penny to his name mold, but it wasn't done by any animal. Now those were blatant mocks. I checked in with the fella, got in the area. Poor guy was real shaken when he heard what had happened, but he let me telephone my partners before we called the cops. Doc and Snead showed up first. I wish I had Snead's go take a look at him. You better hurry, fellas. Commissioner will be here any minute. Steve Lee, Goblin crime scene. Forensics Raza Mill about the best surgeon in medical expert in the city doing my best friends. They combed over the scene. They figured out a good lead, if anyone could. Meanwhile, I decided to ask a few questions of the MOOCs who'd been skulking around when I got here. All right, pal. Time to talk. Why were you boys down here? I ain't talking. I want my lawyer. You want a lawyer or Corinna? I can arrange either. If you don't stop coughing up some Mansiz, you don't scare me, Detective. I got rights. We got a little while before the cops show up. Friend, Are they going to find another body or someone willing to make a deal? Year? Wouldn't Didn't know you was a fortune teller. You ever heard about the Midnight Shocks? Midnight shocks. Yeah. They cruise through the harbor tonight when everything's real quiet, hungrily looking for the next meal. There they no such thing. Copper. No, we'll now see, that's your first mistake. I ain't a cop friend. Or does this ugly green mug look like it's cut out for the academy. Hear that? They sound awful hungry tonight. You You wouldn't do nothing. Look, friend, if you don't talk, then maybe a pound might. We're me, Natasha in the law to make an example for him. Make sure that he cooperates. Uh, okay, I'll talk. I'll talk. I see. That's more like it. So, while you boys out here, did you kill him? No, Mr Honest. We were just supposed to do cleanup. Don't even know the fellow who did it. Just just got told that we were protecting him. All right, But why? Boss wants him to keep going. And you have no idea who this guy is. No clue. I bet those shocks awful hungry right about now. I don't know. I know he is a human. I think that's all I know. All right, well, sit tight, fella. Cops will be here soon, and you can tell him what you told me. So maybe a human, but under the protection of the cautious A gang with strictly orc membership, what was he doing that was so important that they'd want to protect him? So then makes sense? Ah, friend over this says It's a human. Probably that we're looking for. You know what? Let's get sure thing, Chief. We'll let you know if we find anything else. So we skedaddled. There's nothing in this world. You one less than a cop like you, Cade. Helen, for your blood. I got a lot of respect for her for a job. The city rested a **** of a lot easier because of her, even if she didn't get to rest itself. All right. Here. Me with it. God, what the **** was that for? Where are we go And wise guy? All right, See you there. We'll return to the questing murders after a brief word for more sponsors. Ladies, are you tired of your old perfume? Do you want a scent that will keep your gentlemen callers hooked and waiting in line? Arcane coterie has exactly what you need. Love potion Number five is designed to be alluring to men of all stripes blended with a sweet and secret concoction of herbs and a dash of actual love potion. You'll be the talk of the town with this lovely little product. Try some today. Love potion number five. Find your Prince Charming today. and now back to the show we met up in fire. He stopped where the city slid into muddy slopes and pine trees. The sounds of the wilderness echoed in my ears. Light breeze blown in an eerie fog that clouded the hills. It was a scene out of a regular horror show. Made you think of monsters lurking in the shadows and it made my skin crawl. Would you get this car anyhow? So still none. We made our way out into the pine Barrens. Lost Borough Haunted kind of plays with a haunted kind of story. Legends say that hundreds of years ago it was a big part of the city, the biggest of the boroughs, where the old timey royalty lived. In all that one day it just disappeared. No trace. Nobody saw nothin. Folks just woke up and it was gone. Nobody builds there Now, open. We back someday. Well, I say no one. The homeless folks and Demopoulos thrived here. If you were down on your luck, it was the place to hang. Shanty towns cropped up and were abandoned every few years or so. Legend also had it that they were lead by some Joan named the Hobo King even though nobody Deva seen him. What's wrong? Good thing there's nothing dangerous that actually lives out here. Well, of course, other than that. Well, Doc, I'm gonna guess that whoever did it is a real mean fella. Got a lot of hated him. Don't kill somebody like that. Unless you really wanna watch him squirm. It's a crying shame, Doc. So what do you think so far? I don't give one thing so far, though. Cautious. Why are they even involved? I guess, But this is still a gang, you know. What's the angle here? Killing a hobo? Don't make sense. They've got nothing to rob. There's no business in it. Why protect the fella? What is its needs? Ah, crap. True. Next week for Chapter three off the questing Murderers. What is stalking our intrepid heroes? Will they catch the culprit in time? What does work in the lost borough tune in next week to find out if you like your programming mixed with great music, Tune in for tiny tusks Radio hour every Thursday at 5 p.m. Here's a show that promises to keep Thursdays from dragging on. So keep an eye out on your local newspapers for the time of TaII Tusk time. This is Johnny Rockwell speaking for the marvelous news radio. Keep your days magical, folks.