Animation and Character

Profile photo for Bobby Rice
Not Yet Rated


A collection of character voices and impressions

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Yorkshire & Humber) German North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Bobby Quinn Rice, Ladies and gentlemen, But especially the ladies, huh? Yeah, yeah. Take blessed. I'm just a ghost. Like I'm just a really spooky scary goes to be cattle after Aniket Just standing on the quiet Threepio. I don't feel like hearing it today. Musical Trump Toppings Musical Humble servant. Hey, recently, your humble Helen on Bubs being means only Okay, Aaron, Bob, just please. So just guys, just stop it, okay? Hey, everyone, come quick. Look at this thing I did. Although, my friend, there's been a mistake. A terrible mistake. They've gone too far. This is madness. What hope is talking to me? I don't think so. Mild Bennett think is talking to me when the dip in the mornings at 99.9 the 90 Scioli stationed that rocks the greater Phoenix area with the very that's like music of the 90