Deep Voice Demo - Rugged Approachable

Profile photo for BJ Shaffer
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Video Narration


This is a sampling of several of my deeper voices. Some are more upbeat and deep, others are more rugged.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
start with an idea. Think, Think more, stop thinking. Start doing. Come up with something totally original. Think ahead not to ed. Bring it back. Good. Develop a hypothesis. Test it, learn it. Validate learning. Develop a new experiment, Pivot or persevered Success calling the engineers get more feedback by some, post its schedule. A Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint. Stop! Get coffee! More coffee. Never enough coffee calling for lunch. Coffee for dinner? Sleep Okay, that's enough sleep. This is Carl. Carl is a no nonsense guy. This is Carl's Cat 4 20 F Backhoe Loader. A no nonsense loader. It's the kind of loader that would put a wounded animal out of its misery because that's what needed to be done. The kind that believes excuses. They're only good for two things. Accidental curse words and lazy people way are killed. Wear global leaders in apparel, marketing and manufacturing way make every thread count to create a high quality active wear socks and underwear at a great value. We're one of the largest manufacturers of cotton T shirts in the world, whether a T shirt from your favorite team or your new favorite pair of underwear, chances are you're in guilt and brand way. Hope you enjoyed today's game at the guilty on New Mexico Bowl field. Every thread counts every thunderous beat. Every heart pounding moment will leave you breathless. Oh, new circus Zuma Zuma, performing now at Silver Dollar City, is World Fest, along with New Ireland, The show and other favorites World Fest at Silver Dollar City. Discover the world. Why do we do what we do? Why do we put in the time? Why do we care so much way? Do what we do because it's important because it's meaningful. Our days are made up of little things, little things that add up to big things. Tim Hortons. Things that are important to you are important to us. If you're gonna do something, make it worth it.