Animation Demo - Funny Quirky Upbeat

Profile photo for BJ Shaffer
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


A selection of some of my many animated voices. Rocky, Stallone, John Wayne, Wizard, Witch, Sumo Wrestler, Pirate, Mobster, Cowboy, Coach, Caveman,Superhero. I do other impressions: Mickey Mouse, Porky Pig, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Bugs Bunny, John Krasinski, Matt Damon, Jimmy Fallon, Howard Cosell

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
everyone stand clear. I've been in this situation before and I know exactly what I'm doing. Captain, come here immediately. What am I doing? Good morning, Shelter. And thanks for coming. I'm Jasper and welcome to the store. We can always use more health. And you kids look like you'd be perfect for the job. So grab a uniform and let's get the work. Archaeological log. Great reporting. The date is August 5th, 3027. The headaches, air nothing. I'm fine today. It ends, but this dance can't go on forever. Three seconds T three warm. Help! Evacuate. Duncan. Native assistance might be going down. That should be in a panic for one day. Yo, ****. I can't see nothing out of my eye. You gotta cut me. You know, ****, I think you just got the wrong guy. Time has made him weak slow here. Relevant Now what can I do to end his life? I could make him grow uncontrollably, causing massive organ failure. Just throws a poison in his corn flakes. I will claim this planet is mine. Destruction toe dried. Gonna kill me. Gosh, I may end up suffering eternal torment as punishment for my sins. Wait a minute. I already And now will you please release me? I can't turn back now. My plan is already in motion. Get out there and find me. Mike. Fuzzy wasn't wait. Scratch that. I was daydreaming. I mean, find me the enemy that might Fuzzy wasn't getting Commander Kruger in the B squad. Captured Emperor growing. There's no one left to protect Earth but us. The odds of coming out of this are slim. So any of you want to leave. Please do so now by the power of Zeus. Free assistance from this vessel and open the portal to the next to mention or so help me if you don't release him at once, I will make you wish you had never set foot on this planet. Re grounding fire. Not my foot public. Think me to blame. May not know what me sorry for but me. Very sorry. Healthy folks from the look on your faces. I feel like I squashed your favorite hat now remotely free. And the girls I need car players, but not boys. Because boys cheat doing parading around in a chicken suit. You get yourself my dear Tierra, you have come a long way since my untimely demise. But the student, however gifted, still has quite a bit to learn from a teacher. Well, well, well, if it ain't a tiger shark, I don't know if you heard, but I eat your kind for breakfast.