Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Billy D Radio
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


1. psa

2. drive time pro

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Lampard excavation Incorporated would like to take this opportunity to remind listeners that, in fact, many automotive accidents come is a direct result of cell phone usage while driving. Whether you're talking or texting, cell phones have become a major distraction and serious problem on our roadways. This message is being brought to you by Lampard Excavation Incorporated Your Complete Septic Contractors located at 12 Midnight Way in Window, available at area code 2079394 to 73 That's area code two of 79394 to 73 For more information about Lampard excavation incorporated on the air because they care, get the WJZ P Afternoon Dr Live online with the tune APP, Go to tune in dot com and type in our station call letters. When the WJZ P Station local appears on your screen, click play to get the downtown groove, live online and get on board for the W Jeezy Me after Dr Get Down with our blend of throwback funk and old school jams and get yourself home with WJZ afternoon. Drive on one of 7.9 of them in jcp dot org. We are Portland's downtown groove