Demo - Business - Online Learning Introduction

Profile photo for Bethany Lopez
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


My current occupation consist of assisting employers meet their human resource needs and individuals build careers, so both can compete in the global economy by providing online workshops, seminars and online learning.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Workforce Solutions offers free online learning tools to provide individuals looking for work and employers in need of staff with creative solutions for navigating today's job market. We invite you to engage in our captivating virtual content that makes learning accessible anywhere anytime. If you're interested in obtaining access to our online learning platform for professional development, up skilling and re skilling opportunities, please complete the online learning interest form. We have also created custom on demand modules that are broken into categories by the intended audience job candidates, youth employers and vendors. Be sure to check out the related resource section for links to additional online learning content, such as information on accessibility for distant education, financial literacy, digital literacy and much more.