Religious/Inspirational (American male, mature, engaging)

Profile photo for Chris Larsen
Not Yet Rated


Christian spiritual focus on the heart as the place where God meets us personally. Engages the listener with humor, warmth, insight, and Biblical foundations.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
From these two premises. It necessarily follows that the heart and also the mind in some way transcends the world. It's like a bridge with one end in this world and the other end in the next, it spans the river of death and you can cross that bridge, not by your body, but by your soul. By what part of your soul, by the heart, you don't get to heaven by going outward into space, but by going inward, that's what the book says. The Highways to Zion. Heaven are in the heart. But beware a very common and very deadly misreading of the verse that says that it does not say that heaven is in the heart but that the highways to it are. It does not say that the heart is the place where we find heaven itself residing. But that the heart is the place where we find the highways to heaven in the heart is the act of finding not the thing found. How could heaven be in our hearts? Heaven is perfect. Are we, if heaven was only something in our own hearts, religion would be auto eroticism and self worship, which is exactly what all true religion saves us from. How awful would it be if there was nothing better for us than our own, pathetically puerile, pitifully paltry yet pridefully papa's hearts. That's a definition of hell not of heaven. At the heart of Christianity is the claim that the way to heaven is Christ. I am the way and the truth and the life. John 14 6. But the heart is where he comes to meet us. But only if we let him, he came into our own world without our consent. He came unto his own home and his own people received him, not John 1 11, but he comes into our hearts only with our consent. He is not from the Godfather who makes you an offer. You can't refuse. But from God, the father who makes you an offer, you can refuse. He will make love to our souls and impregnate them with his life. But only if we want him and ask him in. He is a gentleman. He will not invade the house of our heart. He will not molest us. He is true love and true love respects freedom. True love is always both given freely and received freely.