Comercial Reel

Profile photo for Alyssa Wallace
Not Yet Rated
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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the all new BMW 7 40 I and they say so. Funds are distraction. Make tracks for subways. New Southern barbecue chicken better bring a bed. Okay. You're carpooling with five people on a four person car when you smoke coffee risk that would kill Juan Valadez elements. Good breasts. Good day. Some people think that I must drink. L ace 10 cups of coffee to be so perky in the morning. Truth, sis, I give my first thing, Mel. It's good food. Dominoes, new pesto crust pizza. Beg to sweet basil and Ramona. Jeez, you better get the door. No matter how you define paradise, some part of Hawaii is found to meet your expectations.