Audio book example

Profile photo for Autumn Fenn
Not Yet Rated


Audio book reel and example of voice style

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My solo three month hike on the Pacific Crest Trail had many beginnings. There was the first flip decision to do it, followed by the second, more serious decision to actually do it. And then the long third beginning, composed of weeks of shopping and packing and preparing to do it. There was the quitting my job as a waitress and finalising my divorce and selling almost everything I owned and saying goodbye to my friends and visiting my mother's grave one last time there was the driving across the country from Minneapolis to Portland, Oregon, and a few days later catching a flight to Los Angeles and a ride to the town of Mojave and another ride to the place where the PCT crossed a highway, at which point at long last there was the actual doing it quickly followed by the grim realisation of what it meant to do it, followed by the decision to quit doing it because doing it was absurd and pointless and ridiculously difficult, and far more than I expected doing it would be, and I was profoundly unprepared to do it. And then there was the real live truly doing it. The staying and doing it in spite of everything. In spite of the bears and the rattlesnakes and the scat of the mountain lions, I never saw the blisters and scabs and scrapes and lacerations, the exhaustion and the deprivation, the cold and the heat, the monotony and the pain, the thirst and hunger, the glory and the ghosts that haunted me as I hiked 1100 miles from the Mojave Desert to the state of Washington by myself.