
Profile photo for Ashish Ranjan
Not Yet Rated


A sample of answering questions in Interviews

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi in response to the question whether I'll be fit for the rule, I would leave that to the custodians to evaluate. In presenting my case. I would like to say that I have reasonable amount of experience and exposure with regards to the various responsibilities that I have been mentioned in the duty for this particular road. I have worked in small and large capacity in most of these tasks in my previous strength. Hence I come in with the knowledge and experience. Secondly, when I join a company, I would be totally new to the people, the processes, the culture, et cetera. Hence my approach will be to come with a clean slate so that I'm able to learn and understand things in a much better way. Once I do that I will be able to share my views ideas which we can implement for the betterment of employees and the organization as a whole. Thank you.